
error This forum is not active, and new posts may not be made in it.
Advertising on this forum===No, but also yes
7/17/2006 7:34:04 AM
Hi All,

Yesterday, a post was made that was no more than an ad.  It didn't make it to
the forum, as I approve all posts, but I felt a need to clarify the ad rule.

Posts that are only ads belong in another forum. There are plenty to choose from here at AdlandPro.

Posts meant to tell us about someone in need of our prayers and good wishes are why this forum was created.  Signature (sig) files are not only allowed, they are encouraged.

Anyone taking the time to read these posts, and who are concerned about others well deserve some attention too, so please check out the offers of our contributors.

I do, and will continue to do so, as a small payback for your support.

Who might get a good customer, or meet someone with common interests to JV with.

Bless all who come here and welcome.

Ray Fellers

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