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Flag of Petar Novakovic

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Re: Marc would like you to view
7/17/2006 12:51:31 PM

First of all awesome site design very clean and user friendly very nice to scan. Good choice on the Blog layout sor this site.

Scanning is what you almost certainly do when you look at a web page.

Instead of starting at the top and reading downwards, most people have learnt that they get better results by scanning over the page, looking for certain clues.

Once we accept that people are going to scan instead of reading, we have to ask what they're scanning for in your case articles. Comlete future lates article in a menu option.

Principles for good navigation design is to let me know where I am at all times clearly differentiate hyperlinks from content. For example based in skimming I miss the links if I don’t hover offer them on your front page:


  • Let me know clearly where I can go from here
  • Let me see where I've already been
  • Make it obvious what to do to get somewhere
  • Indicate what clicking a link will do

Let me know where I am at all times is part of navigation (how can you navigate somewhere if you don't know where you're starting from). Clear signposting is always important, to let people know where in the site they are, down to the page level (particularly when you consider that someone could be entering via an unusual link or search engine result).


Clearly differentiate hyperlinks from content, when navigation is apart from content, differentiate through complete physically separation, grouping and/or style from content.


Let me know clearly where I can go from here, it must be obvious at a glance where I can go from here. That means that hyperlinks must be clearly distinguishable from content. Have a consitent manu at all times.


Make it obvious what to do to get somewhere, once a user knows where they can go, they need to know how to get there. It should be clear to tell what is navigation from what isn't, without any thought at all. Your ”Return To The InterPress Magazine Index Page” Menu link maybe should say plain and simple Home. It put me in a spin for a second.

You are very consistence with your layout with glitches here and there you may double check. Like your sharp edge to the left in you menu is very nice bud then you got the “Return To The InterPress Magazine Index Page” centered. Based on that have you tried to see how the site my feel if you would “Justify” the paragraphs instead “Align Left”?

Some thing to thing about.


Where should you put navigation?

Note: If you have to label your navigation "Navigation", you've failed to make navigation clear enough.


Depends on the type of navigation. The golden rules are:

  • put the most useful navigation where it's closest to hand
  • put navigation where the user is likely to look for it

Most people are right-handed, and the commonly-used vertical scrollbar sits on the right side of the screen. This means that most of us tend to leave the mouse pointer over on the right-hand side of the screen when 'idle'. So, when you've got vertically-oriented nav, putting it on the right has its benefits. That’s why I like like your choice of layout for your site.


On your design and layout:

  • Good recognition
  • Good descriptiveness
  • Good presence


Best wishes,

Petar Novakovic


Petar Novakovic Internet guru and marketing whiz!
Flag of John Rivera

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Re: Marc would like you to view
7/17/2006 3:10:47 PM


Marc has some good clean consumer information on his site. It is a good deed on your part for helping Marc expose his site and I will also help him. Have him go to the sites below and place some FREE Ads. Good luck Marc!!!

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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Thanks, Kathy
7/17/2006 3:38:31 PM
Hello Robert, Thanks for sharing,kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Marc would like you to view
7/17/2006 3:39:00 PM
Thanks Rudy, A pleasure as always,Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Marc would like you to view
7/17/2006 3:39:26 PM
Hi KathyC, Thanks for viewing,kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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