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Bogdan Fiedur

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Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays..
5/18/2005 11:59:09 AM
"Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays, but never lose sight of your goal. Prepare yourself in every way you can by increasing your knowledge and adding to your experience, so that you can make the most of opportunity when it occurs." – Mario Andretti, Race Car Driver
Re: Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays..
5/18/2005 5:00:26 PM
Bogdan and all, The story of my life over the last five years :-) I set a goal just over five years ago to be about 3 1/2 years ahead of where I am today. I just kept running into brick walls. Money meant to go towards increasing my product's awareness and marketing the business side of the company had to be diverted to deal with things in our personal lives. I haven't given up, nor do I intend to, even if it takes another 5 years to reach my goal. It has taken a ton of patience and perseverance to get to where I am today, and I've still got tons left :-) Aside from the fact that I didn't have the money for leads, advertising, etc., as I stated, I suffered from a lack of confidence in myself. While I worked on my self-confidence, I decided to learn about the company and the products they market. Today, I'll talk to anyone about this company and their products with the utmost of confidence knowing what these products have done to greatly improve our health. Sincerely, Max Welton Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Re: Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays..
5/18/2005 6:04:45 PM
ABSOLUTELY!!!! You may need to change "HORSES" to win the race... but NEVER NEVER QUIT!!!! To be where we are now is totally awesome... and had Tim and I quit with our first falures... well we'd still be working as EMPLOYEES!!! OH NO!!!!!! Have a GREAT one!! Linda/CMAS, BS, RN
Re: Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays..
5/19/2005 9:31:42 AM
It is said that “what is good for the Goose may not be good for the Gander.” My life is not a planned life. The paradox in my life is that the more I plan the less I succeed but the more I dream the more I succeed; it is as though an unseen hand is leading the way. Everything that I ever dreamt of was realized except owning a Jaguar (I love those cars with a passion) and becoming a millionaire. However, those dreams are about to be fullfiled. I firmly believe that after 7, years on the Internet I have finally found the Program that will bring those dreams to fruition. That Program is Reality Millions and the owner must be comsidered a modern day ”Good Samaritan” when you read his life story with an open mind. If you wish, go to: Rudolph
Re: Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays..
5/20/2005 6:12:33 PM
Quitters never win, winners never quit. I've already done all the "changing of the horses" I'm going to do. I found my company and products 5 years ago and have never looked back, just haven't been able to move too far forward, yet :-) I'm more product-oriented than money-oriented, so I needed to find the best products I could and hope the compensation plan was good too. I sure lucked out :-) They just recently improved the comp plan with further enhancements coming later this year - ALL geared to aiding the representative - part-time and full-time :-) Sincerely, Max Welton Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada

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