Dear Lord,today we ask you to help us to understand genuine friendships.
Help us to know and how to detect and terminate, unwholesome friendships.
Help us to learn the skills needed for lasting friendships, and lasting hapiness
through it. Give us clear understanding of levels of friendship, and specific
freedom and responsibilities on each level. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen!
Levels of Friendships:
Aquaintance: Based on occasional contacts, freedom to ask general questions
Responsibilities- 1.View each aquaintance as a "divine appointment."
A divine appointment involves two individuals whom God created and whom He loves meeting each other with potential benefit to each other.
2. In order to have the right attitudes toward each one we meet, it is important to have the following questions in the back of our mind.
a)What are God`s purposes in their life.what responsibilities and opportunities has God given to them
b)How far have they come. Has they achieved what they could have?
c)What has hindered God? Bitterness,temporal values,or moral impurities?
d)How can you cooperate with God- Can I visualize, achievement for them
and assist in removing root problems?
Many friendships are built or destroyed at the first meeting. The reason for this is that each person is very aware of the attitudes which the other one is projecting.
Wrong attitude: Fear: will they accept me? : Selfishness: How will I gain from this friendship?
Right attitudes: worth: They are important to God: interest:I want to learn from this friendship.: Acceptance: I want to help to reach God`s potential for their life.
To Be Continued ............ Next topic: Casual Friendship