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Ana Maria Padurean

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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The Person Of The Week Award and Forum! (52nd Edition)
7/16/2006 12:53:23 PM
Hello Rick!

Congratulation for joining John's POW slide show! :-)
You should have done that long time ago.

Thank you for sharing your very interesting BIO!
One thing is for sure: you have no time to be bored!
What a life you had!

For sure you deserve some celebration and a wonderful party.

Hosted by

Enjoy your week!
With friendship,
Rick Martin

463 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The Person Of The Week Award and Forum! (52nd Edition)
7/16/2006 12:54:25 PM
Hey thanks John and La Nell for all that you do here at AdlandPro. You put friendly faces and contacts to all here at AdlandPro and we all benefit from your selfless works.

A special thanks goes to Bogdan and his staff for the new POTW polling site. Great Job!!

It is an honor to be chosen POTW and I am overwelmed by the support I have received in emails and phone calls. This is a very special time for me as it is a recognition by those around me for the countless hours that we have spent together building Wosat. For this I thank you and as you know you were there too and for that I thank you too. Many Adlanders also voted and I thank you as well.

And finally to Dr. David King. You are truly a man inspired by your faith in our God and I am only here today because picked me from the pits of hell. You were able to help me release my inner self and to strive for excellence in all that I do. Thank you for being my personal friend and mentor and it has been a privilage to walk with you and to form a special family and bond known as "Wosat". Our Wosat partners are truly blessed to have you at the helm of Wosat and I have witnessed an amazing level of care and friendship develope amongs them.

Thank you Dr David King,

Rick Martin

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Rick Martin

463 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The Person Of The Week Award and Forum! (52nd Edition)
7/16/2006 1:00:30 PM
Hello Georios,

Thank You! and yes it has taken some time to get here. I am both pleased and surprised and that you for your support.

Rick Martin
Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Nick Sym

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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The Person Of The Week Award and Forum! (52nd Edition)
7/16/2006 1:04:55 PM
Hi John!

Rick Martin!

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Myrna Ferguson

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Re: It's Time For The Person Of The Week Award and Forum! (52nd Edition)
7/16/2006 1:07:16 PM
Hi Rick,

I am so glad to see you got it for POTW.  You derserve it.  I hope you have a great week
