
Re: There is no twilight zone of honesty in business
7/14/2006 9:00:03 PM


This quote is so true!

There are going to be a lot of people standing before the judgement seat saying they could not tell black from white, so they treated their business as being grey!

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Dave Fergusson

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Re: There is no twilight zone of honesty in business
7/14/2006 11:51:30 PM

Yes , You have to ask yourself (in this game particularly) would you honestly sell something to someone in need that you know isnt going to help them??

If you would, it is the lowest form of deception & only puts genuine alternative health products under more scrutiny by controlling bodies like the FDA & in Australia the TGA ( Therapeutic Goods Admin).

            Dave (downunder)

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Brad West

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Re: There is no twilight zone of honesty in business
7/15/2006 8:00:14 PM

Hi Bogdan,

There is honesty it is being forced back into Internet marketing. The prove yourself first attitude is forcing it back. There is honest and dishonest people need to educate themselves to be successful. The forming of communities are where the biggest strength is coming from. Safety in numbers and the strength of many. Imagine if we were all on the same track with our projects. Communal marketing is the strongest concept ever.


These predictions have been in the wind for a couple of years now and the reality is starting to hit. The new on-line movement is to lead with inspiration, not money. These communities that inspire prosperity are going to be all the rage in the near future.


People are getting fed up with being demoralized by corporate America.  Things like the drug companies, Enron, World Com, and the fleecing of Americans by the government itself are disturbing many people.


The new word in marketing is an old concept, Network!! Trust and integrity will produce a network that will work for the good of all. This is too powerful to ignore and will produce profits greater than ever before. The commodity is everyone’s individual network that is the bottom line.


Personal networks have become “bank”, this is the new economy. Gather your intangibles and hold on to them. Things like your reputation, your word, helping people with out asking for reimbursement, and performing like the good old days on just a “hand shake”. These things will be worth more than money. But will in turn cause money to roll your way like never before with less effort. Integrity will sell whatever your product is.


I am involved with a community It has set the standard for Internet marketing. It is a stand alone, hands down original concept.


I call it the underground honesty movement.





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