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Cheri Merz

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Oh, boy, here we go again...
7/12/2006 9:28:15 PM
Just got an invitation to a member, perhaps he can be forgiven--once. For the record, I'd like anyone who saw the alleged Oprah episode mentioned in this thread to contact me. I personally don't believe that Oprah would be on TV promoting an ILLEGAL PONZI SCHEME. You heard me. Illegal. Ponzi. Scheme. Don't believe everything you read in a post or an email. This one claims that Paypal has said this is 100% legal. Oh? Here's what Paypal really says: I receive spam all the time with the same--word-for-word--information in it. It always starts with 'this is not spam'. Saying something is so doesn't make it so. If I didn't ask for it, it's spam. If an email says Paypal violates its own policy by endorsing it, it's a lie. Reading carefully, you can see that this person is just following the formula he was given. It's unfortunate that he didn't check his facts before doing so. I urge YOU to check the facts. Don't risk losing your $20 and your PayPal account for a foolish pie-in-the-sky effort. thing that WAS true in this post is that you can no longer rid yourself of credit card debt by declaring bankruptcy. The only way you can legally and ethically rid yourself of credit card debt is by paying it. If you want a real plan that works, contact me by private message here or through my website, below. I'll tell you how I got rid of mine. Cheri
Nan Herring

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Re :Oh, boy, here we go again...
7/12/2006 9:33:00 PM
oh wow, everyone be careful.
Deborah Skovron

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Re :Oh, boy, here we go again...
7/12/2006 9:38:50 PM

Hi Cheri,

    Nick has been a busy boy. It's a shame that people fall for these things. My bet would be that he is just new and doesn't know any better.

Thank you for the heads up.

Your Good Friend


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Cheri Merz

1258 Posts
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Re :Oh, boy, here we go again...
7/12/2006 11:01:17 PM
Hi, Nan and Deborah, I guess we'll find out. I tried to post a reply to that forum, but it's moderated. The response I get may tell us. Tell you what, though, I'm getting really tired of these things both in my email and here. I haven't wanted to embarrass people by calling them on it in public, but it appears to be the only way to get through. There are other schemes like this floating around the community, and private messages to the people who promote them are either ignored or I get very cool answers that they know exactly what they're doing and my help isn't required. That's fine, but I'll now be adding my voice to Dave Cottrell's, Linda Caroll's and others who are speaking out for the benefit of newbies who may think these things are legitimate. Thank you both for your support. Cheri
Re :Oh, boy, here we go again...
7/13/2006 1:07:52 AM
Hello Cheri, Now you have cought my intrest, I'll have to see what ILLEGAL PONZI SCHEME He's running. God Bless & Warmest Regards, Kenneth & Sherry Wheeler, Sr Tribute To 9-11! Your Instant Resource For Articles On: Gambling,Gardening,Golf,Google,GPS,Finances,Hair,Hair-loss,HDTV,Health Insurance,Heart Disease,Health and Fitness,Hobbies,Holiday,Home Business, Home Improvement,Home Organization,Interior Design,Internet Business,Internet Tips,Investment,Jewelry,Kitchens, and 8,000 More!
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