Hello my friends,
Lets get involved and help where we can.
The Freedom Fund
Needs Your Help!
We just got 256 soldiers from the 101st AB that need a lot of help. We just don't have that kind of money, but want to help them as they said we were the only organization that was willing to take on their unit.
We need supplies of:
Sunglasses (very important- wrap around style}...the Nike are good, but brand is not highly important. They CAN"T have reflective lenses and should be polarized. These guys really need these. They should be pretty strong too as they get beat up quite a bit so scratch resistant would also be important:
* Lightweight work gloves - tan boot socks
* DVDs
* Flashlights -all sizes and shapes with batteries
This is a list that is so important! Could your Young Heroes supporters and visitors start a collection in their local paper, or local church/stores?
People can send in bulk to me or I'll mail them the postage if they can't afford it...we desperately need these products..and any donation (monetary ) to help us with postage.
Thanks so much! God Bless this wonderful nation.
The Freedom Fund
P. O. Box 3337
Burlington, VT 05402
Email: thefreedomfund@aol.com
Phone: 802-338-3006