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Re: Adlandpro Folk Festival
7/6/2006 12:36:42 PM
Hello Mary, I am sending you a Hungarian recipe: APPLE-COTTAGE CHEESE CREAM Ingredients: 2 cups dry cottage cheese or farmers cheese 1lb apples grated rind of 1/2 lemon or orange 1 tbs vanilla flavored powdered sugar 7 tbs sugar 1 tbs sour cream or milk 1 1/2 oz raisin cinnamon to taste (optional) Put dry cottage cheese through the ricer, mix it with milk or sour cream until smooth. Add sugar, peeled and grated apples, lemon rind and mix them together till cream is very smooth. Fill the cream in glasses, sprinkle the top with raisins soaked in rum. Serve with sliced sponge cake, lady fingers or sweet soft biscuits.
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Re :Re: Adlandpro Folk Festival
7/6/2006 4:13:11 PM


Great contribution to the concession stand.  Those will be as popular as the Funnel Cakes.

We are still in need of people who  can tell us about their jewlery crafts.  It is slowly developing here into a wonderful folk festival.

Some pottery and art work would be nice too.

If JR is flying in, he could use a ride.  Also someone go to the border and get Nick .  He says he is  having trouble crossing the border with his Giant Foil Ball. Be a dear and go pick him up. 


Georgios says he is bringing zodiac cards for everyone.  He is the birthday guy, remember.

That's all for now.   






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