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Re: Welcome To The 50th Edition Of The Person Of The Week Forum!!!
7/2/2006 5:12:32 PM
Dear Deborah, Thank you, darling! It's funny the things we do to ourselves sometimes because of others influence. But the cycle CAN be broken. I am proud to be living proof of that. May you have a wonderful 4th of July, and my you and yours stay safe, healthy and happy! Sincerely,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
Re: Welcome To The 50th Edition Of The Person Of The Week Forum!!!
7/2/2006 5:20:33 PM
Dear Becky, The road isn't always easy, and I still have a ways to go, but change is possible. We each have the power of choice. We can choose to let life continue on a dismal path, or we can choose to make it better. I think so many of us underestimate our own power! All The Best,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
Re: Welcome To The 50th Edition Of The Person Of The Week Forum!!!
7/2/2006 5:23:51 PM
Dear Arild, I am honored to be in the "club", lol! Thank you, my friend. You have been my friend almost from the beginning, and I am honored to know you. Take Care,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
Nan Herring

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Re: Welcome To The 50th Edition Of The Person Of The Week Forum!!!
7/2/2006 5:26:29 PM
Congratulations Shannon! You realy do deserve this. Have a great week.
Re: Welcome To The 50th Edition Of The Person Of The Week Forum!!!
7/2/2006 5:27:21 PM
Dear Linda, Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope I live that long! LOL Sincerely,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol