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Re :Re: Welcome To The 50th Edition Of The Person Of The Week Forum!!!
7/9/2006 11:30:17 PM

Hey.. Girl!!! I see Venerina said she was the first and usually the last.  Now I'm the other way around.  I Miss it here so.  I've been so busy!!  It's great with all the new changes here.  But I'm out and about doing events and PR training.  I wish you the best Shannon.  Finally.. something worth wild for you.  Take care!



A Black Work At Home Mama

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Chris Wiseman

783 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re :Welcome To The 50th Edition Of The Person Of The Week Forum!!!
7/10/2006 6:46:10 AM
Oooh so late to post this week. Congratulations Shannon and well done on your achievements to date. A well deserved honour for you this week. Have fun my dear.
Have a fantastic day Chris Wiseman Personal Website Chris Wiseman Positive About Forums -Take a look Don't forget to sign the Guestbook
Re :Welcome To The 50th Edition Of The Person Of The Week Forum!!!
7/14/2006 7:34:49 AM

Hello Shannon!  :-)


I enjoyed reading what your friends wrote about you, you are truly blessed with great friends.

I too am proud to call you my friend. Thank you for always being so sweet on our Skype conference calls. And thank you for the awesome songs you have sung us during our brainstorming sessions. You are fun to have around. :-)

Many blessing to you my friend!  ;-)

John Sanchez

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Goodwill Ambassador

WOSAT-Looking for a few committed individuals.

If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!

Re: Re :Re: Welcome To The 50th Edition Of The Person Of The Week Forum!!!
7/17/2006 1:42:14 AM
Dear Philena,

I am glad to hear you are busy.  I have been very busy, which is why I am late in responding.

Thank you, it wouldn't be complete without you here!!


Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
Re: Re :Welcome To The 50th Edition Of The Person Of The Week Forum!!!
7/17/2006 1:43:41 AM
Dear Chris,

I had a wonderful week, and just got back from my working vacation.  So, we are both late, lol!

Thanks for your support, my friend.  I love your forums--they are truly inspiring.


Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol