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Re: Pleasant or Pests--popups at work
7/2/2006 3:11:47 PM
Hello Mary, Thank you for your post. All the benefits of the popups are good but i faced in the past a serious problem caused by popups. My PC was infected with a virus which forced me to make format to the hard disk and i lost all the data on it. For this reason i hat popups of all kinds.
Re: Pleasant or Pests--popups at work
7/3/2006 12:04:22 AM
Hi I don't mind the shout-boxes now as much. They were put higher and wider so they are thinner, they don't interferre as much. I say they could be a little more wider so it's not as low. I always beleived they would be beneficial !!! I've seen them in other communities and are called a shout-box. I found them attractive... I liked them! Warm Regards Speak out & pass it on! Broadcast Decency United Voice Against CHILD ABUSE
Re: Pleasant or Pests--popups at work
7/3/2006 4:19:49 AM
Hi Mary, Great forum,enjoyed your feedback,pop-ups do bother me .I used to have one on my website but found it more trouble than there worth. Thanks Leanne Busby Put yourself on my Map
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Pleasant or Pests--popups at work
7/3/2006 6:21:50 AM
Ahmed and Leanne, The report on this forum is statistics and comments from an original forum called "Cool or Confusion". Because it is so long to read, the information was compiled here. Our only interest there was to help our membership deal with the little boxes that poped up while logged in here. No reference is being made to pop ups on other sites. You can read the original at: or you can read the compiled report right here.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Pleasant or Pests--popups at work
7/3/2006 6:28:58 AM
Hi Florence, You are welcome. The forum was an education. We proved that we can vent our dislike for something but respect each others view. We learned from each other, in that many hated them and listened to other comments and changed their mind. The best that we learned was that Bogdan listened and responded to our frustrations. He worked with us for the betterment of the community. Everyone likes a way out when displeased. We had people experimenting and then coming back to share. We had many members of that forum that read from beginning to end. So this report puts it all in neat little package.