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Honesty And Integrity Are Still The Best Policies
7/1/2006 2:32:49 PM
Hi, I'm Hardi (My Pen Name for privacy reasons). I am a family man and have 3 young kids. Honestly, I've explored internet to find an alternative source of income. I've learned building a website by researching on the internet. Being a non-IT guy, I've learned hard to make use HTML, PHP, MySql and some JavaScripts. Now, I have a website and I realize that there is really no get-rich quick scheme unless you're very lucky or you have the guts to fool the people. I've also learned that I have to be creative, hardworking and especially honest to achieve a long-term success. That's why I created this forum to gather all the honest and friendly people here in the community. I know that you know, internet is a very tricky place. So, if you claim that you are an honest and friendly, then let's be friends, brothers and sisters here. Please introduce yourself and share your thoughts...
$7 Miracle Team: More Miracle: Subscribe & Get Resale Stuff: Honesty is still the Best Policy!
Linda Harvey

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Re: Honesty & Integrity Are Still The Best Policies in Life
7/1/2006 3:38:13 PM
Name: Linda Marie Harvey Gender: Female Age: 56 Albuquerque, NM, United States Land of Enchantment! Widow with one biological son - Tom 24 who is back in school for Fire Science/EMT, currently volunteering at Fire Station in Village of Corrales, horse/farm community north of us. One adopted daughter, 16 yo cheer leader/student. 12 Foster children over 8 years. I am tired and retired, working 7 days a week! Fill your day with healthy snacks and meals. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of pure, good water! And My Personal Favorite ! ! ! ! Hormone free, no nitrates or additives > buffalo, beef and turkey JERKY. Available in many delicious flavors. Great for hiking, biking, camping, taking to work for when you need good solid energy, fuel to carry you thru, or at your computer and tv for a nutritious protein snack that is low carb, low cholesterol, low fat! Get plenty for your family and friends! Enroll for wholesale prices with free shipping. Thank you for your time and consideration, Linda :-) Enrollment bonus: 100 email leads daily for 30 days (surveyed from Key2Net) * * * * A great energy drink for YOU! My son really loves this one, awesome compared to propel and gatorade!
Carl Haavaldsen

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Re: Honesty And Integrity Are Still The Best Policies
7/1/2006 6:19:24 PM
HI Hardi, My name is Carl Haavaldsen, I am a father of 3, grandfather of 2. I have spent over 20 years in network marketing, many of those years learning the traits and concepts, not making much money at all. Over the past few years, I have been full time at network marketing making a full time living. I am by no means a guru and I am not filthy rich. I am ethical and honest and those of you that know me, know I tell the truth. That may be why I'm not filthy rich!!! Hmmm Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you and you are most welcome to become part of my circle of friends. To Your Success,
Carl Haavaldsen Skype: rmcglobal
Rose Enderud

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Re: Honesty And Integrity Are Still The Best Policies
7/3/2006 5:01:46 AM
Hello Hardi, My name is Rose Enderud. I live in northern California. I am a 56 year old great grandmother who wants to earn enough to be able to stay home. Rose
Re: Honesty And Integrity Are Still The Best Policies
7/4/2006 4:13:12 PM
Hi Linda, Carl & Rose, Thanks for visiting me here! BTW, Congrats to your Independence Day Linda & Rose! It's a pleasure to be around with you guyz! I know I could learn many things from you. But, I'm sorry I could visit here for a limited time only. I am overwhelmed with my plans and tasks. My kids are very young. They're just 2, 7 and 10 years old only. I still have a long long way of challenges. Thanks also for your invitations. I'll find time to visit you anytime this week. Thanks and I wish success to all your ventures! Hardi
$7 Miracle Team: More Miracle: Subscribe & Get Resale Stuff: Honesty is still the Best Policy!