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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
6/30/2006 12:09:34 PM
Thats what I herd last night.I do`nt know where it is now,maybe you can follow the lettuce trail throughout the house.I do know it`s black and white......and is very cute.
Pam Allison

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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
6/30/2006 1:44:40 PM
Hi Mary, I haven't seen your Panda either..sure do miss him. I love your sense of humor. Pam
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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
6/30/2006 2:00:46 PM
Hi Mary, Maybe we could put his picture on a milk carton. He will be sadly missed. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
6/30/2006 3:17:31 PM
Hi Lorraine, Sure I would recognize you anywhere. Standard shiloutte along with a couple of hundred of other Lorraine's here at Adlandpro. In fact the dictionary shows a picture of you beside the word shiloutte. Wonder how many Mary's there are among the 32,000 members here at Adlandpro.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
6/30/2006 3:25:59 PM
Peter, I can''t see you in the picture. So how do I know if you are a legitimate marketer. This may be a picture of your Aunts and Uncles at a family reunion. A person can put up any picture, that does not mean they are honest. The reason for removing the cute little non-real people/characters was so that people could see a real person. Honest or not a non descript shiloutte will identify us. Truthfully, I sought out non-people pictures as I thought it creative and innovative. It also made it a lot easier to identify the person. I could find you, Peter, easier than any other Peter.