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Lisa Westberry

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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
6/30/2006 11:10:24 PM
Hello Mary, I miss panda too. What ever you put up will be beautiful. Your Friend,
Dave Fergusson

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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
6/30/2006 11:34:09 PM
Hi Mary, its a shame about your panda (was it called Me hing or chi yung?) but you have to consider yourself luck because the Australian equivalent the WOMBAT remains on or under the ground, EATS, ROOTS & LEAVES which to most Australians is just as bad as being shot! Hope you find him soon & dont mistake him for a skunk! Cheers Dave.
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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
7/1/2006 12:25:27 AM
Hello Mary, I'm way out in the country and have had many interesting visitors. One day I saw a huge pot bellied pig uprooting all my plants. Another time a farmer's cows got loose and were grazing and doing other things all over my lawn. But I haven't seen your panda. I have a lot of greenery around me, so if I do see him I'll make him feel at home and wait until you can retrieve him. I messaged my partner John to let him know of the news and we will be parting with our little angels. I used to be the little angel on the right. sniff! Memories...... la la la la la
Cheri Merz

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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
7/1/2006 12:55:31 AM
Mary I'm so sorry your little panda has been kidnapped. I've read the other comments here with interest. When I first joined the community, I bought the idea that a real photo of the person was the best policy, but you and Jenny have very valid points that one can post anyone's picture. I've learned so much would never have occurred to me to post someone else's picture. But seeing satellite photos of my house on Google and elsewhere has made me gulp nervously and wonder if all this is safe. Then I remember my mother telling me when I was a kid that she didn't worry about someone making off with me...she figured they'd drop me at the first streetlight. And people wonder why I don't have confidence about my Seriously, I hope this is resolved with some satisfactory outcome for you. I'd love to see Panda back. And I applaud your decision to use humor rather than invective to highlight the situation--not that I would have ever expected the latter from you. It's delightful to see your sense of whimsy. Cheri
Jenny SJ

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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
7/1/2006 3:30:28 AM
Hi Mary, I wake up on the other side of the world and you are all still here looking for your Panda! I really hope that this problem can be resolved soon. I have no doubt that there was a positive reason on the part of the administration when they asked for personal photos - but on this occasion I hope that they reconsider. "To err is human, to forgive is divine" LOL I am not suspicious of logos, in fact I was about to change my photo to my angel logo, as it represents a lot about me and what I do - and is easier to find. But sadly, it is not be. I am a woman (see photo LOL) and I do not like to put my face on the Internet. It is a wonderful invention, but it has its bad side. LaNell - you have understood what is worrying me 100%!! I knew you were a very smart lady!! If I lived in the United States or Canada I would NOT have my photo here, for the very reasons you state! It would be a fake. If this was a Spanish forum - it would not be here either. Like many of us who advertise - I am very easy to trace. I am sorry to get serious on this wonderfully entertaining forum, but I think that this is one point that has been overlooked when implementing this scheme. Hope Panda and all the other missing objects turn up soon. Love Jenny

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