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Re: Namaste
6/30/2006 6:37:48 AM
Hello Kathy , thanks for the invite to your forum. Great discussion you have going . Namaste is a very meaningfull word It is true there are many interpretations of Namaste. Here is an interpretation/meaning of Namaste from one of the greatest spiritual masters of the 20th century - Gururaj Ananda Yogi. Namaste -- I recognise and honour the divine love that resides within you FYI Gururaj Ananda Yogi is the founder of IFSU ,now FISU. To learn more about Gururaj Ananda Yogi and FISU please visit the FISU website Best wishes to you all Nick
Infinity Trade Group is a private programme that has combined the elements of private managed investment and networking . Creating the most powerful wealth building business on the planet.
Re: Namaste
6/30/2006 8:12:51 AM
Hi Kathy :) Thank you so much for sharing this Fantastic Word with us :)
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Re: Namaste
6/30/2006 11:39:12 PM
I have seen the gesture, now I know what it means! We should be practicing the principles and looking for the good in others and ourselves and honoring it. Linda

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