
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Failure is the opportunity to begin again.....
6/26/2006 8:32:36 PM
Hello Bogdan.When we learn from failure, it teaches us to be stronger and make wiser choices the next time around,I have failed at many things in my life but each time now I take heed and really look listen and learn,and I have always come out ahead,these last 9 months have been amazing journey for me that I would never give up for anything,great as usual.Your a amazing Man and need to be noticed for all you do.Bravo Bogdan.Kathy/simikathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
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Re: Failure is the opportunity to begin again.....
6/27/2006 6:23:01 PM
Bogdan, This is a true statement and Old Henry should know, he failed many times before he perfected the asembly line, and they are still making improvements today! A wise friend of mine said, "James if you do your due dilligence, before you begin a designated task you will reduce the failure rate and increase your success rate." You know he was right!
James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
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Re: Failure is the opportunity to begin again.....
6/27/2006 7:01:56 PM
I don't look at them as failures. Just a roadblock that I need to overcome.. And I do.. Maybe it takes a little time but I do overcome them.. Kathy B
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Re: Failure is the opportunity to begin again.....
6/29/2006 5:16:02 AM
Hi Bogdan, That's a great's exactly what we should all do! Thanks Leanne Busby
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