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Re: It's Time For The 49th Edition Of The POTW!
6/26/2006 3:54:19 PM
Dear Shirley, A Big Congratulations to you Dear Friend! You are very deserving of this honor!! Have a Wonderful Week.. Luv Ya, Sweetgrame :-)
Chris Wiseman

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Re: It's Time For The 49th Edition Of The POTW!
6/26/2006 4:19:36 PM
Very long overdue this Shirley. You are an Adland favourite for sure. May God bless you today and always. Enjoy your special week in recognition and watch those replies flood in. You're truly special.
Have a fantastic day Chris Wiseman Personal Website Chris Wiseman Positive About Forums -Take a look Don't forget to sign the Guestbook
La Nell !

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Re: It's Time For The 49th Edition Of The POTW!
6/26/2006 4:43:33 PM
*************************************************************** Hi Shirley & Michael! ;-) Shirley's picture looks so beautiful on the front page of the community. She is the Queen this week of the POTW forum. LaNell ***************************************************************
Re: It's Time For The 49th Edition Of The POTW!
6/26/2006 5:39:44 PM
CONGRADULATIONS SHIRLEY! You deserve this recognition.You are a sweet lady and care about others,that is a plus in my opinion.WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kathy Kanouse

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Re: It's Time For The 49th Edition Of The POTW!
6/26/2006 6:17:00 PM
A BIG CONGRADS SHIRLEY... I wish you well with your online journey & all your specail projects you are involved in. Your light continues to shine.. God Bless You!! :)