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Re :You mean the disabled people?
7/7/2006 11:43:08 AM

what's happenning here in this blog is the root of the problem.


Neighbors were concerned after school bus drivers saw "strange people" meaning people hanging around the block off AGs property and were dropping off kids at their individual homes because they were concerned and responsible for the children's safety.


Did the neighbors know about the AG person's disabilities ? Absolutely not. Are we dicrinatory people ? Absolutely not. This was then used as another ploy by AG to look for more support. 


Bottom line... the home in it's entirety is being financed by this business. It cannot move to a commercial area because the owners will not be able to use contributions to pay for their residence as they have been for 5 years.

Therefore the only option is a residential home in a rural area somewhere. 

Re :You mean the disabled people?
7/7/2006 11:56:12 AM
Hi... Sonny, you aren't making any sense to me. In a typical residential area (like where I live) the houses are just feet away from each other. I can look out my window and into my neighbor's window. In this kind of neighborhood, yes, bus drivers can drop kids off at the end of the block. Your *neighborhood* is 1 ACRE lots. If someone lives 4 houses from the bus stop, are little kids supposed to walk the span of ACRES to get home? I'd think the bus WOULD drop them off at their residences. So I'm confused -- are you on full acre lots (maybe too far for kids to walk) or aren't you? If the "strange people" you refer to were not on AG property, why are you blaming them on AG? If the "strange people" you refer to aren't the disabled people at AG, why was this presented at the council meeting? You are not making sense to me. FYI -- what's happening here at my forum is not the root of the problem. The root of the problem is poor communication, resentment, animosity, hatred, obstinance and all the other human shortcomings that cause problems between people. : ) L
Re :You mean the disabled people?
7/7/2006 12:18:15 PM

Kids were walking a few houses down to their homes in the past until the bus drivers became concerned. And you know what, we felt comfortable. With the influx of volunteers, can we be assured of who they are?are they are being screened? the website talks about speaking with Suffolk County Courts about having juvenile delinquents work there doing community service. Where does it end?


These people happened to be people from AG.,but it was taken completely out of context and used by AG. 

Re :You mean the disabled people?
7/7/2006 12:46:08 PM
Hi... Are you right next door to them? Across from them? How far is their place from yours? I'm curious about how much the comings/goings of people to their house would affect you and your kids. Do their volunteers drive right up to their house or how do they get there? L
Re :You mean the disabled people?
7/7/2006 1:39:53 PM

30 garbage cans a week,cars coming and going at all hours,buses,cars dropping off girl scout troops to rake their property out,.... like a business would have.


It is not residential use,period.


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