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Re :HM...
7/8/2006 4:10:27 PM

I didn't mean to try and force feed anything to anyone I was just making a suggestion that once you got to know the animals and the good work being done you might try another approch to helping them out.I just came to this forum and I am not aware of the lg. problems you talk about. is it smell or amimals loose ar noise??. Just Asking



BIZYKATIE'S PLACE LAMARQUE,TX 77568 1 (409)938-7969
Re :HM...
7/9/2006 8:15:36 AM

Again, our stand is one of this home hospice in the past 5 years going from a self-funded family run small operation to a 300k a year business with 230 animals. This requires outside help from privite volunteers, as well as organizations.    The organization also has daily visiting hours.


This is not a residential use and the organization, as well as their supporters need to find a suitable location on Long Island or elsewhere.


We firmly believe at the end of the day, AG will look back years from now and see how the move allowed them to grow, house more animals as well as utilize more volunteers , have additional parking,etc.  

Message to Angels Gate
7/12/2006 8:29:23 PM

You have the opportunity to be greater

Knock, Knock...its opportunity. Gods will, An Omen, An angel from heaven is sending a message to Angelsgate.
Time to move to a bigger better place for the greater good of the animals. A chance to be greater.

They need to help those animals. They can sell their price-e FS house and purchase many acres of land and a larger facility in a more accepting community. They should take money donated & give the animals a better last part of their lives. AG should focus on giving the animals a bigger, better, more improved location. Somewhere nearer to mass transit, so volunteers can have better easier access and the animals can get better end care.

For the sake of the animals. Those AG people should not be pig headed and bullish. Sticking out their chests like proud roosters is not going to help the animals.

So, AG stop crowing about how all you care about is the animals and put your donated funds where it belongs...Care for the animals in the best possible way.
In a bigger, better, cleaner facility with better access.

God is sending you a message direct from the gates of heaven. Praise the lord

Re :Message to Angels Gate
7/12/2006 9:47:23 PM

Why do you continue to harrass?

So we know a little more about you now.          Latitude 40.8966 Longitude -73.4362     Latitude 40.8966 Longitude -73.4362

Using two different internet services to comment on the blog to make it seem as two people. tsk tsk.

Have your location. Now know where to find you.

Map of Latitude: 40.8966
Longitude: -73.4362

Prime property. Guess you want to buy the place when they are gone. Greedy!

I know it's just a picture map but I don't want to embarrass you too much, yet.

Kenneth R Sword Jr

Re :HM...
7/12/2006 10:43:19 PM

Hi Sonny;

Again, our stand is one of this home hospice in the past 5 years going from a self-funded family run small operation to a 300k a year business...

The amount of money they make should not be an issue. If I double my income, should I have to move? What about if I triple it? Bringing up their income repeatedly sounds like sour grapes. If the issue is the animals, then stop mentioning their income. If the issue is money, then could they stay if they got less sponsor dollars this year?

We firmly believe at the end of the day, AG will look back years from now and see how the move allowed them to grow, house more animals as well as utilize more volunteers , have additional parking,etc.

That might be true. But maybe not the way you're going about it. Mind if I share a short story? It might sound familiar...

THE WIND and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road, and the Sun said: “I see a way to decide our dispute. Whichever of us can cause that traveller to take off his cloak shall be regarded as the stronger You begin.” So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveller. But the harder he blew the more closely did the traveller wrap his cloak round him, till at last the Wind had to give up in despair. Then the Sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveller, who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on.
Aesop's Fables (Aesop; sixth century BC)

Sonny, they might be happier in a bigger place. Right now, they are on a 1 acre lot, same as you are. For those who don't know, one acre is about the size of an American Football field. (A Canadian football field is a little smaller, for those who didn't know.)

I am assuming you didn't earn your big house and once acre lot by being un-intelligent. What you're doing hasn't worked so far... has it? There is a lesson is Aesop's story. You tell me if you can figure out what it might be...



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