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Dave Cottrell

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Re: Hurt, Humiliation and Human Beings
9/23/2006 4:10:33 AM
Once again, there is unrest in the Adlandpro family. A POTW candidate, duly nominated and presented to the community, should be allowed to stand until all the votes are counted. The candidate with the most votes should be declared the winner. Period. What makes Adlandpro such a great community is the family atmosphere. People in this community get to know one another, get close to one another, and get to see both the good side AND the not-so-good side that each one of us has. In the cold, cold, outside world, we can go through our lives unnoticed and with little conflict, most of the time. We are protected by our own anonymity. However, in a family, we are close to each other, know one another intimately, care for one another greatly, and, because of that care, are hurt much more deeply when a member of our family wrongs us or seems to wrong us than we would be by a stranger. We pay a price for getting to know and care for one another. That closeness makes us vulnerable and able to be hurt, and that hurt can and does sometimes also anger us. It's easy to think that we would be better off not getting to know one another or opening up to others and becoming vulnerable. If we remain cold to all but our very closest and longest relationships, we remain somewhat impenetrable and protected. But if we open up and develop new friendships, we become VERY vulnerable and WILL be hurt from time to time. However, I believe it is WORTH the risk! Relationships with others is one of the greatest sources of joy we can find in this life. They are what give us those warm memories we can think back on fondly, and will be with us wherever we are. If a member of our local family wrongs or hurts us, we suffer, experience anger, hurt and sadness, but we get over it, forgive, and hopefully, continue to develop a deeper and stronger relationship that will stand even greater wrongs or hurts if they come along. Just as we would not go out into the streets and stand on the corner telling all passers by how our brother at home has wronged us, so we should also refrain from doing it here in the Adlandpro community. Such things need to be dealt with privately. Regardless of the feelings associated with such a situation, airing it publicly will not make us feel any better, will not solve the problem, and will succeed only in driving a deeper wedge between the people involved. The Bible says that a quiet answer turns away wrath. It is better to walk away from the conflict until the anger dies down so that it can be dealt with in a way that can bring reconciliation. If reconciliation isn't possible, there is STILL no reason to make the situation public. There is no progress or healing in tearing down someone who has torn one of us down. Instead of healing, hurt is piled on hurt until many more become involved and possible irreparable damage is done to the community. I sincerely hope that when the votes are counted this week, regardless of who gets the most votes, that the winner will be the winner the community voted for and that this great Adlandpro family will come out just as strong as ever with words of congratulations and encouragement. God bless, Dave
Jenny SJ

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Re: Hurt, Humiliation and Human Beings
9/23/2006 7:25:41 AM
Hello David,

You have made a wonderful post here and I hope everyone who sees it reads it.

Wise words from a wise owl LOL


Deborah Skovron

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Re: Hurt, Humiliation and Human Beings
9/23/2006 1:14:06 PM

Hi Dave,

     This is sound advice, and I certainly hope that the people responsible will heed your advice.

     It is high time that all this bickering STOPS!!

Thank you. Dave.

Your Good Friend


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Dave Cottrell

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Re: Hurt, Humiliation and Human Beings
9/23/2006 6:10:13 PM
Thank you Jenny and Deborah. My hope is that enough people actually see this and think about it. If it at least inspires a few moments of thought then it has been successful. God bless, Dave
Re: Hurt, Humiliation and Human Beings
9/23/2006 6:16:51 PM
Thank you for this Dave,

I appreciate all the encouragement given to help us oft speak kind words to each other.

Kind words really are sweet tones of the heart.

I feel far better when I am able to say a kind word.

It is said the greatest defense is the offense. I think the greatest defense is to make your enemy your friend as Nick quoted Gandhi as saying.

Blessing To All,

I Believe World Peace Will Come,

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