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Laurel Nicolosi

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Vitamins and Supplements - who knows?
6/20/2006 4:35:06 PM
Who has a good idea of what is necessary in a vitamin or supplement to make it worth taking every day? I know there are many drinks and juices - you can tell me which ones you like, or didn't see much result from...or you can tell me what vitamin and/or supplements you take on a regular basis because they help you overcome exhaustion or some other physical problems you may have. Also tell me, how does someone really KNOW what they NEED? Has any one been tested at the doctor for allergies or for stress? That is one way to find out for sure... Just start talking and let's learn from each other!! :) Laurel Nicolosi
I'm not confused about what vitamins to take - they are customized JUST for me - Latte for your car?? - My $7 Miracle Matrix
Geir Sjaastad

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Re: Vitamins and Supplements - who knows?
6/20/2006 4:57:02 PM
Hi I will just tell about what help me as I was start be burned out. Lot of work, two small kids and my wife starting her 6th year with cancer. I realy started to be low on energy as she got more spread and get also got in the brain. It start to be better now as here threatment help, but she will take medication the rest of her life. But it was vitamines and juice I should talk about. I try a lot off different supplements but could not get any effect of them. Then a friend asked me to try Pharmanex LifePak Essensials. Before I do that he invited me to a scanner session and the value I got there was barly alive. I was willing to try and started with the LifePak and later on also the G3 juice. I start to feel better after just a few days. so i continue to use it. After 2 months my score on scanning go up from 14 000 to 44 000. I also have alergic since I was a child. Every spring a lot of medicin and injections. This spring has been the worst for 50 years when it comes to spread of pollen in Norway. I have not got any alergic reaction at all! I did not think that this had anything with the Pharmanex products before one of my customers come and told me the same. No alergic this year. So I am happy with it and it realy function fo me.

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Laurel Nicolosi

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Re: Vitamins and Supplements - who knows?
6/21/2006 5:21:01 PM
Thanks for replying. I am glad you found something that you believe is working for you :). I have heard of the Pharmanex brand (they are part of Nuskin, which has been around a long time), and I actually have been scanned by them too, and was low so I started the LifePak too. I wasn't convinced at the time that I really felt a difference but I think they are a good product. I actually have a comparison with the Custom Essentials (from Ideal Health), Pharmanex and Amway products, and all 3 have a lot of the same good natural-based ingredients, but the Custom Essentials just includes more specific ingredients, and of course, they are "customized" for each individual, and that is unique. And after people have been on these, they can retest and see some dramatic increases in positive results. Also, they notice much improvement with symptoms they used to have, and now no longer need to worry about. Also, Amway has some negative ingredients, such as Maltodextrin and Carnuba Wax, and Custom Essentials and Pharmanex do not. And the cost of the Amway and Pharmanex vitamins monthly is around $80, where as the Custom Essentials is around $50 retail, and even less wholesale. But if you feel they are helping you, and are worth the cost, then that is great :). Keep up the good work of caring about your health - I know you and your wife are conscious of making each day count :). Laurel
I'm not confused about what vitamins to take - they are customized JUST for me - Latte for your car?? - My $7 Miracle Matrix
Donggeun Yoo

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7/12/2006 9:26:09 PM

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Product for Us
8/10/2006 5:06:53 PM

Hi there.. this is a great forum..  There are many ways to get supplements and vitamins into ones body... weather all of them work for you.. that is the story that isn't told..

I was a firm believer of taking an unreal amount of supplements per day.. as well as my children.. To name a few: Manisium/Calcium/Zinc, Omega 3, evenning primrose oil, Ginko, grapeseed oil, B complex, and there were many more.. We did this for almost 6 years.. Sure.. we felt good... but there was always something missing...  They say that you need many other vitamins to counter act the other vitamins.. and in order for them to all work.. and work right.. they need each other in sync..

Until.. we found the power of Isagenix... we faithfully took all the supplements daily...  Isagenix is a cleansing, detoxifying system that gets to the root of everything..  This unique produts is changing lives of many and with great success... You can read about us in well knowen authors: Dr. John Gray> The Mars & Venus Diet and Excercise Solution, and Jack Canfield> Chicken Soup for the Healthy Soul. They have written all about these products. Also... you can see us on the site of the weight loss hall of fame... Amazing results.. and they can all start within 24 to 48 hours!

In one Shake:

10 Ingredients that promote rapid fat burning
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7 Digestive Enzymes to promote effective digestion and assimilation of carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and fat
4 Ingredients that promote regularity of bowel movements
   Fibers that cleanse the elimination system and the circulatory system
3 Ingredients that promote Blood sugar balance
3 Ingredients that promote energy
Safe for all ages and Diabetics to consume.  See for yourself... Isagenix is made for our busy lifestyles..

Have a Great Day!


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