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Flag of Gary Simpson

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Re: Decent or indecent? Thoughts?
6/19/2006 11:04:52 PM
Yeah, I have to agree with you Linda. You are quite correct. Money is the manifestation of the me society. You have identified the cause. I was speaking of the effect. ============= "One of the things Frankl said in the years after the holocause..." ============= Holocause and holoeffect! LOL! Gary
Re: Decent or indecent? Thoughts?
6/19/2006 11:07:33 PM
Hey, no making fun of my typos. lol L
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Re: Decent or indecent? Thoughts?
6/19/2006 11:48:12 PM
Linda, Just showing you the degree of attention that I read your literature with - heh...heh... Gary
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Re: Decent or indecent? Thoughts?
6/19/2006 11:55:09 PM
Here is my take on this. Most people never take the time to really research a so called opportunity. All they see are the $$$$$$ signs that appear before them!!! How many times has this happened to people? Well, let's look at the overall statistics in MLM over the years... 95% of all people who get involved with MLM fail! Why are these stats so high? 1] They get into a company at the so-called ground floor thinking that if they are among the first to get in, their chances to make it big are awesome! WRONG!!! Why? Over 90% of ALL MLMs fail in their first 2 years of operation, period!!! 2] They get recruited by a recruiter (great salesperson who signs you up and says good luck) instead of a sponsor! A sponsor will guide you every step of the way to be successful and have a system and training to help you succeed in the shortest amount of time! 3] Here is the tough one...choosing the right company to promote! In some cases, even with due diligence, we still end up in a company that fails in one respect or another! The best I can tell you here is to look at the OWNERS first to see what their backgrounds are and their successes and failures (if any). 4] You MUST have a consumable product too!!! This is VERY IMPORTANT!!! Many people get into programs that are a one time sale like this AA Turbo Charger cell phone battery deal!!! I tried to warn people about that, but most everyone would prefer to defend it rather than look at the bottomline! You NEED a product that people continue to reorder every month and also STAY ON IT FOR LIFE!!! So, why do I promote Eniva and the Vibe 101 ALL IN ONE Health Drink? 1] 8 year old company with an awesome track record 2] Two 29 year old brothers who run the company that truly care about the distributor's success! 3] A product that is way ahead of it's time and has NO competition, the Vibe 101 product 4] A very generous marketing plan with very low volume requirements to achieve success! 5] Timing-Even though they are 8 years old and solid, this Vibe product has ONLY been out for under 2 years!!! ***These are some of the variables people need to look at when choosing a company*** This is the BEST way to put a stop to indecent people who run scams! Run away from them ASAP by simply putting some time and effort checking them out first. Always shop for a sponsor and NOT a recruiter who hands out HYPE instead of facts!!! My personal goal is to change the MLM stats to read... 99% of ALL MLMERS are successful!!! If we do our own due diligence first, all of the scammers will be out of business and sitting in a jail cell somewhere! My Best! Tom Sparrow 248-624-0942 or my cell at 248-705-9716 should you want to chat!
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Flag of Gary Simpson

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Re: Decent or indecent? Thoughts?
6/20/2006 12:08:18 AM
Tom, I'm not wanting to trivialise all that you said - we've done MLM to death on another forum and you either love it or hate it, but... =============== "4] You MUST have a consumable product too!!! This is VERY IMPORTANT!!! =============== I shudder to think that some enterprising crook will use crack as their MLM product. Lot's of product will be consumed but the mortality rate of the downline would be disastrous. Sorry. It just crossed my mind when I read your list. Perverse huh? Gary

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