Hey Kathy,
Don't believe I knew Robbie, but I am sorry for the loss of your friend. I too have just lost a friend and co-worker this past Friday, so I feel for you.
My friend died of cancer, after a nearly 8 year battle, saw her last on Wensday, she was out of the hospital and said she was fealing better than she had in a long time. She went back in that night, and passed away early Friday morning.
It is sad, to think of all the things you could have, or should have said but failed to say a word, in life, what comes so easy after a passing. My friend, was always up-beat, and dedicated to all of us around her, she put in countless hours for local charities, and with all the pain she ws sure to have suffered, was seldom cross, or blue.
Betty is a inspiration, to human spirit. She will always be remembered for the biggest, brightest smile in Texas. Her courage lives on in the hearts of all who took the time to get to know her.
Andy Zeus Anderson