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Linda Miller

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Special Gift in June Issue Spiritual Entrepreneur Today
6/16/2006 12:00:01 AM 6 day course: The Mi'llion Dollar Secret ============================================== ******** SPECIAL OFFERS FOR SUBSCRIBERS ******** ============================================== Start your own Gourmet Candle Business for only $39.95 and I will refund your costs in the third month of your new business. See how this simple smell and sell business can be profitable for you. Join the Candle of the Month Club here. Join the The Secret Money Plan to create wealth through the flow of dollars from hand to hand. Take the 7 Day Trial to see for yourself. =============================================== Did you get your Greeting Card Gift Account? Hello dear friends I hope that your summer is offer to a great start. We've had some great mild weather here in Michigan and I like it that way. It is great for camping - and you know how much I love camping in our Gratitude Chamber, right? For new subscribers, the Gratitude Chamber is our RV which my husband and I enjoy camping in. Welcome to all our new subscribers. You may also read this Newsletter online at my blog at Happy Father's Day to all our fathers out there! Shortly after publishing this newsletter last month I received a very nice note from a subscriber who said that when she read the newsletter she felt like I was talking directly to her. That was a great compliment to me because it is my desire to communicate directly with her (thank you Suzy) and it is my desire to speak directly to you. This is our time. We are having a great time in the Mi'llion Dollar Manifesting Circle. I am giving away mil'lion dollar bills all over the world. Joy! Any Wayne Dyer fans out there? I just received The Essence of Being in Balance by Wayne Dyer. I ordered it from QVC after seeing a QVC special with Wayne Dyer a few weeks ago. I actually went online and searched for it because I had recorded the show and could not order at that time. I believe it is a direct manifestation for me personally because I have been wanting to find a way to "merge" my human self and my spiritual self, and that is what his message is about. Lucky me! Anyway, it is just fabuous. It comes with a book and 6 CD's. I don't see it available anywhere other than QVC. Does anyone else have it? I would love to hear your comments. I hope you enjoy the inspiring topics I have to share with you this month. * * * ======== IN THIS ISSUE ======== * * * 1. The Power of a Spiritual Partner 2. Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being Exercise 3. The Gift of Release 4. Overcoming Negative Thoughts 5. My Favorite Resources ======== 1. THE POWER OF A SPIRITUAL PARTNER ======== For two years now I have spoken weekly with my Spiritual and Manifesting Partner, Sue Oneschuk. Last week I confided in Sue that I sometimes feel like I have fallen out of practice of the principles and processes I share and teach through my e-course and this newsletter. Sue assured me we all feel this way sometimes - because we are Human. So I stepped back and made a commitment to change a few things. Sue agreed to hold me ACCOUNTABLE. I decided to re-commit to a daily spiritual practice and the results in just a few days were profound. I committed to get on my knees to express Gratitude before I do anything. (Wayne Dyer says that he begins and ends his day on his knees.) I committed to shower and dress first thing in the morning (instead of getting straight on the computer). I committed to meditate and write and repeat my Affirmations for a 30 minutes first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I began to see results immediately... I was inspired to pick up a book I have had for a while, but had not finished reading - "Open Your Mind To Receive" by Catherine Ponder. I learned more about receiving. I was inspired to pick up an OLD little yellow book, "The Master Cleanser" by Stanley Burroughs. With the "lemonade" recipe in this book I lost 5 lbs. in 3 days. I was inspired to create a Weekend Prosperity Manifesting Exercise - see below. I have received a flurry of interest in my automated greeting card business resulting in several new customers and distributors. One woman told me she has been "asking for divine guidance to find the right busines" - and she found ME. A man called me who said that because he sees me GIVING to the world, he wanted to help me RECEIVE, so he offered me his time to discuss my own spiritual growth. It was great. My commitment to a daily spiritual practice and my accountability to my Spiritual Partner have made a big difference in how I feel and the well being that flows to me daily. I am currently matching Manifesting Partners through my Mi'llion Dollar Manifesting Circle, so come and join us if you would like a partner. ======== 2. WEALTH, ABUNDANCE AND WELL-BEING EXERCISE ======== We each have our own perception of the meaning of these words and that is perfect. I believe there is a flow of Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being flowing to us at all times and the only reason we do not receive it is because we have been taught that we are not worthy or that we do not deserve. You ARE worthy and you DO deserve - simply because you were born. This exercise is intended to help you remove those beliefs and begin to experience the flow of more Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being in your life NOW. My friend Steven Lane Taylor has a wonderful little book about living in the Divine Flow at: (This book lives on my coffee table!). The Affirmations - Memorize them I NOW release all resistance to the Divine flow of Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being. I AM now receiving the Divine flow of Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being. I am GRATEFUL for the Divine flow of Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being. The Exercise Perform as many of the following steps as often as you can throughout your day. Designate a Notebook and a a few colorful pens and write and repeat each of these Affirmations as often as possible throughout your day - for at LEAST 5 minutes each time. Spend 30 minutes first thing in the morning and last thing at night in meditation as you repeat these Affirmations. Jack Canfield says that our brain focuses during sleep on the thoughts we think for the last 45 minutes before sleep. If you have a meditation audio, listen to it while you write and repeat the Affirmations. These are the two meditations that I use: and Meditation can also be as simple as focusing on your breathing. Set a timer for 5 minutes or 30 minutes or whatever time you choose to designate. Throughout the day when you find yourself thinking a negative thought, or feeling angry or sad, or any other emotion other than joy and happiness, repeat these affirmations as often as possible. Step outside and lift your arms to the Heavens and repeat these Affirmations as often as possible - OUT LOUD. Repeat the Affirmations silently to yourself as often as possible. IN OTHER WORDS, repeat these Affirmations until they are second nature to you. Let them become a part of your constant thoughts. Write down how you feel, any changes or shifts in your feelings of Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being. Keep a record of any manifestation or any evidence of prosperity that you attract with your participation in this exercise. I'm going to be imagining hearing all of you repeating these Affirmations, knowing that you will be manifesting great results! Happy manifesting! ======== 3. THE GIFT OF RELEASE ======== I was reading Catherine Ponder's book, Open Your Mind To Receive, recently and I read many stories of manifestations resulting from practicing Release. I suggest you add these Release affirmations to my Wealth, Abundance and Well Being Exercise above. Here are a few Affirmation Catherine Ponder recommends with great results: "Christ in me now frees me from all resentment or attachment toward or from people, places or things of the past or present. I manifest my true place with the true people and with the true prosperity now." "Christ in me now frees me from all resentment or attachment toward or from people, places or things of the past or present. I manifest perfect health now." "I let go of everything and everybody that is no longer a part of the Divine plan of life where all conditions are permanently perfect." I am going to be adding these Affirmations to my daily Spiritual Practice. ======== 4. OVERCOMING NEGATIVE THOUGHTS ======== Negative thoughts are just that... thoughts. And thoughts can be changed. It is a choice. It is not involuntary. So, when I find negative thoughts creeping into my head, I make a conscious choice to change my thought. I find something for which to be grateful for in that moment. That works every time and there is ALWAYS something in our lives for which to be grateful. You can even have a thought of gratitude on "standby" for when you need it. For example, find a thought or a memory that feels good... something that makes you feel joy, like when you were a child or when your children were babies or your wedding day or the feel of a new puppy. Now, store that thought and have it available in any moment. When you find a negative thought creeping in... catch yourself, OBSERVE what is happening (don't judge yourself) and consciously choose to change your thought to the one that makes you feel good. Practice an attitude of gratitude in every moment and watch your life transform. ======== 5. MY FAVORITE RESOURCES ======== Each month I like to share with you some of the resources that I find to be personally beneficial. When you are ready for your own personal and spiritual growth, teachers and materials will appear. You have found your way to some of my favorites: Learn the Secrets of Deliberate Creation Learn How You Can Create Your Own Reality Free Teleconference Service Meditation for Insight and Focus Learn to Meditate Instantly with Holosync Multi-Dimensional Meditation with Higher Balance The Mi'llion Dollar Secret Create Passive Income With Affiliate Marketing Create Your Own Subliminal Messages Activate the Laws of Physics to Create Prosperity ================ You are invited to subscribe to my complimentary Market From Spirit E-Course. It is a five part series with a few bonus lessons. This information comes from my heart and my intention is to assist you in learning to market your business using spiritual principles to attract the perfect customers and business partners. Thank you for reading this issue of Spiritual Entrepreneur Today. May you easily and effortlessly manifest all that you desire, which you absolutely DO deserve simply because you were born. You are loved and appreciated. PS - The first three people who send an email to me at with "Give me five million dollars" in the subject and your name and mailing address in the body of the email will receive five million dollar bills from me. Hurry!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Re: Special Gift in June Issue Spiritual Entrepreneur Today
6/16/2006 9:12:38 AM
Hi Linda, You are a great asset to the community. Thank you for this post. Your friend, - Join a company with a 98% success rate ADHD or starting memory loss or dementia? -
Linda Miller

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Re: Special Gift in June Issue Spiritual Entrepreneur Today
6/16/2006 10:25:59 AM
Hi Jennifer, You are welcome! Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate YOU very much!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Jill Bachman

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Re: Special Gift in June Issue Spiritual Entrepreneur Today
6/16/2006 9:08:15 PM
Thank you my wonderful friend! You are too generous, and I so appreciate the value that you share with all of us through your wonderful forums. Thank you! Bless you, Jill
Linda Miller

3429 Posts
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Re: Special Gift in June Issue Spiritual Entrepreneur Today
6/19/2006 3:12:41 PM
Hey Jill, You know I am always happy to see YOUR smiling face. Blessings!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina

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