Hello dear friends,
I would like to invite you to participate in a Weekend Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being Exercise that I have been practicing for the last few days. I hope you find as much benefit as I have. Next week we can share results of practicing this exercise over the weekend. Wanna play?
Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being
We each have our own perception of the meaning of these words and that is perfect.
I believe there is a flow of Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being flowing to us at all times and the only reason we do not receive it is because we have been taught that we are not worthy or that we do not deserve.
You ARE worthy and you DO deserve - simply because you were born.
This exercise is intended to help you remove those beliefs and begin to experience the flow of more Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being in your life NOW. My friend Steven Lane Taylor has a wonderful little book about living in the Divine Flow at: http://www.RowRowRow.com (This book lives on my coffee table!).
The Affirmations - Memorize them
I NOW release all resistance to the Divine flow of Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being.
I AM receiving the Divine flow of Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being.
I am GRATEFUL for the Divine flow of Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being.
The Exercises
Perform as many of the following steps as often as you can throughout the weekend (and beyond).
Designate a Notebook and a colorful pen and write and repeat each of these Affirmations as often as possible throughout your day - for at LEAST 5 minutes each time.
Spend 30 minutes first thing in the morning and last thing at night in meditation as you repeat these Affirmations. Jack Canfield says that our brain focuses during sleep on the thoughts we think for the last 45 minutes before sleep.
If you have a meditation audio, listen to it while you write and repeat the Affirmations. I recommend two meditations that I use:
Meditation can be as simple as focusing on your breathing. Set a timer for 5 minutes or 30 minutes or whatever time you choose to designate.
Throughout the day when you find yourself thinking a negative thought, or feeling angry or sad, or any other emotion other than joy and happiness, repeat these affirmations as often as possible.
Step outside and lift your arms to the Heavens and repeat these Affirmations as often as possible - OUT LOUD.
Repeat the Affirmations silently to yourself as often as possible.
IN OTHER WORDS, repeat these Affirmations until they are second nature to you. Let them become a part of your constant thoughts.
Write down how you feel, any changes or shifts in your feelings of Wealth, Abundance and Well-Being. Keep a record of any manifestation or any evidence of your participation in this exercise.
Practice throughout the weekend and share with us on Monday any results that you experience.
I'm going to be imagining hearing all of you repeating these Affirmations, knowing that you will be manifesting great results!
Have a fabulous manifesting weekend!
In joyful gratitude,