
Re: Do not wait; the time will never be "just right"....
6/8/2006 6:13:26 AM
Bogdan, This is such a true quote! Have you ever wondered what tools Noah had to build the Ark? What if he had sat down and said "Lord this is such an awsome task and I just don't have the tools to even begin it!" We have to take into the account that the Ark was the size of an aircraft carrier. No wonder it took so long for him to complete it! And of course, he had to contend with people coming by and saying "Noah that thing will never float, and how are you going to get it to water, there is not any around for a thousand miles"! But Noah had a mission that he was commissioned to do, and he went forward with faith. Have you ever wondered just how many people had a dream to build a business, had some tools to work with, but gave up due to the lack of their faith? The Lord did not tell Noah that building the Ark would be easy, and he would be able to do it in a day. But the presentation that is being feed to the would be marketers is "Join us and we will make you rich over night"! Isn't it about time that this should change, and the truth be told?
James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
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Re: Do not wait; the time will never be "just right"....
6/12/2006 9:34:37 PM
Hello Bogdan! :-) Good quote! And very true. Sometimes we just have to take action and then later we will amaze ourselves with what we actually are capable of accomplishing. Sometimes we learn as we go and then we discover talents we didn't realize we had. "Better to have tried...!" Take care! 8) John Sanchez My Blogs Goodwill Ambassador WOSAT-Looking for a few committed individuals. If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!
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