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Re: Free Bizz Opps
6/6/2006 8:37:45 PM
Warning! This may be the most important message you read online this year. Pay close attention and be sure to act now to get your free Banner Exchange from Internet powerhouse Worldprofit. A Banner Exchange Is The Lazy Person's Traffic And Lead Generation Dream. Now You Can Own Your Own FREE! You probably know what a Banner Exchange is because you've inserted a banner into one like the World Banner Exchange at It's a terrific way to get free traffic to your site and lots of free prospect leads. When you OWN your own banner exchange things are even better. Your banner exchange is prominently posted on your website. Anyone worldwide can insert a banner into the system. That's good for them. When their banner is inserted, the system then adds another banner (called a 'strip banner') to it and both start circulating through the system, appearing on tens of thousands of websites. People seeing these banners can click on one or both banners. When they click on the owner's (strip) banner, they go straight to your site! Note: you can change the wording on your strip banner whenever you like. See how easy this is? It is literally effortless because Worldprofit puts the banner exchange on your site and ensures that it is running properly at all times. You do nothing but reap the daily rewards. The more people who insert a banner into the system from your website, the more free traffic and free prospect leads you get. There is literally no easier way to get traffic and leads online. Worldprofit sells these banner exchanges for $1000 every day. Now, however, because of a special promotion, you can get your banner exchange free! To do so, REGISTER NOW to attend today's live webcast where you'll get all the details. If you're serious about online success, you know how important it is to increase your website traffic and prospect leads. Now you can do it the easiest way imaginable -- with your own Banner Exchange, for FREE! Just REGISTER NOW at and attend today's hot presentation. Gregorio Garcia - President & Worldprofit Dealer Email: URL: ==> Talk To Me Live...Ring For Service! New Technology!!! ==> Live Daily Webcasts on all of our products and services PLUS recorded presentations on everything we have! ==> No Charge Membership ==> For Immediate Needs: Call Me 954-496-4734 ========================================================= (C) 2006 All Rights Reserved. =========================================================
Gregorio Garcia, MCEC The '6 Letter Word' That Will Revolutionize The You Make Money Online!
Re: Free Bizz Opps
6/6/2006 8:44:45 PM
Allan that for the forum and your willingnes for allowing us to post our biz opps. I have one that I work and focuse on and it is exploding in growth both on a comapny level and our team level. What is causing the growth is the product it self. A.C.T, the feel good drink as it is called is the hotest engery dring going. When you ad to that fact the company make the product them selfs and you do not pay the midle man it is an awesome biz opp. We are in 10 nations with 20 new ones opening in 100 days or less. Company site become a dealer for free and only order what you want when you want. We have team members making money their first week. Also sign up free at the team site in my sig file and we will ship you a sample of the ACT product if you like it go to your company site and buy it. you wnat to make money tell others about it. When they try it they like it and buy it. Finaly a real company, with a real product that works, thet real people buy, that cause you to make real checks! Don'r miss it. We are at 200,000 dealers and will be at 1 million by Dec 31. 2006! We have shipped overr 6 million drinks around the world already! This is the Real deal!! Welcome to the team~~~ Johnny
Re: Free Bizz Opps
6/6/2006 8:54:15 PM
Free to Join! Pay Less for Gas with Ethos Fuel Re-formulator Get your bottle today! 7%-19% better fuel efficiency (there are testimonials of higher percentages) - Reduced emissions up to 30% (some have been cut in half) - Reduce maintenance (through lubrication; you can put it in your transmission, crankcase, and power steering fluid as well) Ethos FR is product that hit the market 10 years and is currently used by the US and Chinese government, trucking industries, as well as an internationally distributed product throughout many other parts of the world. (Distributors are on Ethos Product Page at ) 4-E Corporation has joined up with Ethos Environment, makers of Ethos FR, and has grown strong over the last month to aid in marketing the product to a broader audience. There is all the basic product information. For more information, send me a message and I’ll get back to you with everything you want to know. Many people, like me, have begun making some extra cash by distributing the product just by talking to the people around me. You can sign up for free at on the enrollment site and get a 10% discount as a preferred customer if you want to try it out through ordering from the online store. - JP Smith - 4-E Corporation Distributor -
Jackie Smith Stop Foreclosures with guarantee Find out a better way of networketing
Nick Grimshawe

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Re: Free Bizz Opps
6/6/2006 9:54:15 PM
Thanks for the opportunity to post a business opportunity. My opportunity is not new, is not just launching, you're not going to get in on the ground floor, we're not about to revolutionize internet marketing and I'm sorry but we don't have any really big secrets to tell you about. What I do have is a knowledge based opportunity at a site filled with information and knowledge to help you learn and grow as an Internet Marketer while at the same time providing a solid income opportunity. You even get a steady steam of leads each month and it cost less a month than your starbucks coffee habit(or insert your own habit). Take a look around. There is, of course, free stuff to download. It doesn't cost anything to look and you might be surprised by something tried and true and still delivering month in and month out. I promise you will not make a million dollars subscribing to my opportunity. But a steadily growing income is very possible. Yours The beautiful summer morning guy. Nick Grimshawe
Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Victor Rocha

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Brian Rooney Will Personall Train You... FREE!
6/6/2006 10:30:06 PM
Do you remember me talking to you about a while back? Brian Rooney (the system's founder) is offering to train you for the next 30 days... absolutely free. Don't even get your credit card out. You won't need it. Brian Rooney is on a mission to prove that this system is the most effective system available and he is willing to train you for FREE. All you have to do is visit my web site at and register for your free trial account. You had better do it today, though, because I don't know how long he can afford to make this offer. FREE Training by Brian Rooney. If you don't know this guy, believe me... this is an amazing offer. Brian has used this exact same system to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in sales and he is ready to personally teach you how to use this same system. Check out my affiliate site at and let me know what you think. Let's get started on this together ASAP so we can really start making some money together this year. Talk to you soon. Victor Rocha

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