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6/5/2006 7:37:13 PM
Hello My Fellow Adlanders, I am not sure if any of you know, but I am very much involved with many issues regarding our environment, animal preservation, child abuse, etc. I am also involved with many political issues and try to help get things changed. Today I am asking that you help out with keeping our Internet free and not controlled by the big giants such as AT&T and Verizon. You may do so by signing a petition that will be sent to the Congress, we are looking for at least a million votes! Here is an email from an activist group that I am with, it lets you know what to do to help out, including where to go to sign the petition! ******************************************* Big telecom companies like AT&T and Verizon are spending tens of millions of dollars to push a law that would abandon the "First Amendment of the Internet" -- a principle called network neutrality. As the Internet grows, it's not surprising that the big corporations want to seize control, discriminate against people with alternative viewpoints, favor certain types of content, and set up tollbooths wherever they can. Without network neutrality, AT&T, Verizon and others will be free to slow down or block emails and Web sites they don't like -- including the Web sites of their critics and of people who don't share their politics. Today, our free and open Internet allows individuals and organizations to speak truth to power. But if AT&T and Verizon have their way, an Internet provider who objected to the views of Working Assets, Civic Action, Michael Moore, or Planned Parenthood could slow down our Web sites or even block them altogether. Here are two things you can do to help save the Internet: 1. Sign the petition to Save the Internet. Working Assets is cooperating with hundreds of other groups from across the political spectrum to preserve the open and fair character of the net -- and tell Congress to stop the telecom companies' power grab. Add your name to the petition here. Go to We're working with our coalition partners to get more than a million signatures on the petition and demonstrate to Congress that we won't let them hand over the Internet to private corporate interests without a huge fight. 2. Send a message to Big Telecom by switching to Working Assets In addition to helping you raise your voice to Congress, Working Assets has a unique role to play in the fight to save the Internet. We're the only phone company participating in the Save the Internet coalition. But we also make it easy for you to stick it to AT&T and Verizon and help organize for Internet freedom with one simple act: switch your mobile phone and long distance service from the bad guys to Working Assets. The best way to make AT&T and Verizon pay the price for this attack on our Internet is move your dollars to another company. So far, they say recent scandals aren't causing them to lose customers. If you're currently with AT&T, Cingular (AT&T's wireless arm) or Verizon, we can help you send them a message and raise money for the fight to save the Internet. We're keeping a count of everyone who switches their mobile phone and long distance service in support of net neutrality (or pledges to switch their mobile phone when their contract is up.) And for every phone number you switch in response to this email, Working Assets will make a $50 donation to nonprofit advocacy and organizing for Internet freedom. Go to to switch your wireless or long distance service, or pledge to do so once your current contract is up. Then, please forward this email to anyone you know -- friends, family, and colleagues -- who enjoys the free and open nature of the Internet. Thank you for working to build a better world. Michael Kieschnick President Working Assets ****************************************** Thanks so much, Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Flag of Victor Castro

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6/5/2006 7:44:10 PM
I am tayer of this big company monopole,there are abry where geting tens they way all the time
Flag of Marilyn L Martin

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6/5/2006 8:11:10 PM
Hello Victor, Thank you for your response. Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Flag of Nick Sym

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Person Of The Week
6/5/2006 11:18:33 PM
Hi Marilyn I wish I could help you out as I am Canadian and not sure if my vote counts, but I can get in touch with my American friends on my VERY large contact list and let them know the issue! God Bless Marilyn!
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6/6/2006 6:52:27 AM
Thanks for the info Marilyn. I have passed this along to my friends as well. trina

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