Hi Dave!
I'd love to be one of your fiends! Thank you for asking.
This is kind of an unfair question for someone such as myself. Being an editor, I am hyper sensitive to others grammatical and spelling errors. Part of my job is to notice such things.
When reading invitations, or forum posts, a few mistakes are not bothersome, but when something written is fraught with mistakes, I simply stop reading. To me, if someone cannot take the time to proof read their writing, then I won't take the time to try to understand what they've written. Furthermore, if someone who is writing isn't going to at least try to appear professional, then I don't want to work with them.
On the other hand, I make my living writing for others, and fixing the copy others have written. So, I guess that if everyone were perfect copy writers, I'd be out of a job. LOL
The thing is, those who hire me to write, or edit, are making the attempt at professionalism, realizing that they are not versed in this area.
When I read forum posts, sales letters, or any other material aimed at getting me to become a venture partner, that is sloppy, I am instantly turned off, unless of course, I know the person writing to me is not a native English speaking person.
There really is no excuse for poor grammar and spelling, when a spell checker and grammar checker are standard on computer word processing programs. When posting to forums, or web sites, all one need do is to first write their copy in their word processing program, check it, and then copy and paste it to the place they want to post to.
As for your invitation to join your circle of fiends, I always read what you send, because I know you to be professional, and to play with people sometimes. (New! New! 100DailyPro!)
Have an awesome week!