
Re: The truth is not for all men....
6/4/2006 10:14:39 PM
Bogdan, Seek the truth and knowledge of the truth will set you free.
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Nick Sym

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Re: The truth is not for all men....
6/4/2006 10:34:45 PM
Hi Bogdan! Here is a little bio on a woman who had great insight. All About Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged Movie Announcement Ayn Rand was a provocative and visionary writer crafting unforgettable tales and characters. Best known as the author of the epic Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand is also the author of The Fountainhead, We The Living and Anthem. But Ayn Rand was also an influential intellectual, inspiring thousands of people to study and follow her philosophy: Objectivism. In these pages, you can learn about Ayn Rand's life, her writings, and her ideas.
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Helen Gibbs

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Re: The truth is not for all men....
6/4/2006 11:13:31 PM
Hi Bogdan, This is my first time to see check out the Quote of the Day Forum! Thanks I’m so glade I found this page. Thanks so much for sharing. That is a Great Quote, of the Day.
We are never too old to learn, So learn something new every day!Blessing to (Friends n our Animal)Helen Skype: helengibbscircle65
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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: The truth is not for all men....
6/5/2006 1:06:52 AM
Hi Bogdan Another great quote. Thanks! Of course, telling the truth get people in trouble. And since I search for and tell the truth, I am in constant trouble. In fact, back in the early 60's a fine man and co-worker went out drinking with me at some of the "beach" bars where I hung out. I introduced him to many of the locals and he asked, how come about everyone I met had nick names and you do not? I said I did not know and John then said well I am going to give you a nick name. From now on, when we are "barring" at the beach, I am going to call you, "Nasty Neil" When I asked why he thought "Nasty Neil" should be my nick name, John said "it is because you are always telling the truth and people do not like to hear the truth!"
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Lis Figueras

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Re: The truth is not for all men....
6/5/2006 8:33:18 AM
Hi Bodgan, At this time for a different perspective I must differ. Because I believe that the truth is what set us free as individuals. And what make us grow as individuals. And have to be for everyone not just for those that seek for it. I found that phrase a little sad and kind of empty. In other way also inspire well the ones that are seeking for the truth. That, I must tell too. But I believe that have to be for all people. Now, that are people which for many reasons have the problem to work with the truth; that is true too, but not for that reason have to be hide from them because we did not know if once the truth is reveled to this kind of people make them learn and grow too… or not? What you Think? Have a great day, Lis
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