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Re: Change Begins with Choice
6/2/2006 8:49:18 AM
Hi Kathy et al Jim Rohn has given such a profound take on life here, there is very little one can add to it, they are simply universal truths. Maybe, to distil it down to bitesized, we should all remember the old adage, "If you want more of what you're getting, do more of what you're doing!" Of course this is a double edged sword! Best Ian McKay
"Life's what happens to you, while YOU'RE busy making other plans!" (JWL)
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Re: Change Begins with Choice
6/2/2006 10:38:33 AM
Hello Ian, Welcome and thank you, First of all there is always room for more wisdom and insight,I like my readers to express how the feel and think on a topic, nothing is ever cut and dry, oh no not here at the seven wonders of the world,Thank you for sharing and coming to be a part of my world,hope to chat soon.Kathy
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Re: Change Begins with Choice
6/2/2006 10:42:23 AM
Hello Sheryl, You are very rightm changes are very hard,But I myself have gone thru so much change in the last 8 months and have acomplished many great things people have told me that most people it takes about 5 years to accomplish what I have in only * months.I have worked very hard and very dilugently to get to the point I am at. Yes change is hard and very scarey but I just decided to put my life in Gods hands and let him guide my life,so far He has not let me down.You can change your life if you really want to deep down in your heart. Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
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Re: Change Begins with Choice
6/2/2006 10:42:55 AM
Thank you Scott for coming and sharing,kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
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Re: Change Begins with Choice
6/2/2006 10:47:12 AM
Hello jerome, thank you,that word neccessity,hmmmmm well just be very thankful that is not the case now,we all make choices in our lives its the choices that put us where we are today,you can either move forward or back wards.I choose only to move forward and always use the past to remind me not to ever revisit that again,Like I said before to you,You come from Greatness Jerome never forget it!!!Stand up be a leader, teach everyone,be an example,Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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