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Re: Theives Organize.
5/4/2005 6:32:40 PM
Hi Eileen, Thanks for the invite. You are so right about identity theft. I would like add watch for for those fake emails with paypal and ebay they try take your account. thanks Gary Nosek
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Eileen H

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Re: Theives Organize.
5/5/2005 6:29:02 AM
Yes Gary, That is another way they try to get your info, Along with the Biggest scam..... You know the email that says "I am an embassador from Nigeria" Or where ever they decide their from That Day! OH I nearly forgot the New One I have been getting, It says You have won the "MS WORD LOTTERY UK" BIG RED flags to me!! I did a search for that and someone had said they are not even allowed to have these kinds of lotteries in the UK due to Commissions! Not exactly sure what that is all about but at least we Know better! Unfortunatly some others May not. If I hear of anything else you will all be the first to know :)
Re: Theives Organize.
5/5/2005 8:22:54 AM
Hi Eileen, Thank you for the Invitation. You're doing a wonderful job bringing us this information and keeping us up to date. If I may, There's a free newsletter I think everyone might interested in. How to Protect Yourself From Clever Scammers -- Online and Offline. Internet ScamBusters, the #1 publication on Internet fraud, shows you the ins and outs of protecting yourself from all the newest scams. It's a public service, published 2 to 4 times a month, and provides you with a lively, entertaining and opinionated approach to protecting yourself online and offline. Click here now to protect yourself from Internet scams -- free.
Eileen H

986 Posts
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Re: Theives Organize.
5/10/2005 6:34:12 AM
Sorry it took me so long to respond Joe, I have been very busy! But this looks very good I will take a closer look at this! :)
Re: Theives Organize.
12/23/2008 10:26:20 PM
The following is another way of cheating on the internet, please read on: Beware before you dive When I joined Helium more than one year ago (2006), I read the agreement that whenever a reader reads any one of my articles, I would receive one cent. I have so far put up 104 articles and earned $15.42. But two months ago, Helium suddenly introduced a new rule, without the agreement from its writers, that only the writers who are awarded a star was allowed to continue receiving the one cent when a readers read their article. This was most unfair as from then on, Helium does not have to pay us anything. I would like to hear form others who are also writing for By introducing the Star Grading System, Helium does not have to pay a single cent anymore. Why should they? The Stars are in their hand. Who is there to confirm that a certain person reaches that Star Level? Two of Helium representatives shamelessly wrote to me saying that the agreement I accepted more than a year ago clearly stated that Helium had the right to alter the rules later on. It was correct. But what they do not understand is that when the rules are altered, they should benefit the writers and not taking away their benefits. Sixteen of the people whom I introduced to write for Helium asked me why I was so sure that Helium would eventually pay me when I reach the target of USD $25.00. I had no answer. All these sixteen people were university degree holders. One Japanese engineer told me that by bringing a reader to Helium, we get only one cent and that was the cheapest labour on earth.