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Luella May

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Re: How To Create True and Perceived Value
5/26/2006 11:46:24 AM
Hi James, John Here, I would advise anyone starting out today, in any form of business, whether online or off, to learn as much as possible. Read everything in sight, learn the basics of HTML, as in this day and age with so many duplicated websites and webpages out there, then that little bit of indivituality goes a long way, even in the layout of your own website or webpages. Being a sheep and following the herd when it comes to internet marketing and website designing, etc will gain you nothing but more hard work in the long run, and with very little recompense in return. Hey I don't mean anyone has to go out and try to re-invent the wheel, but being in a personal position to not be totally at the mercy of these so called web designers, who like you say peddle their own wares to everyone who comes along, therefore duplication is again inevitable. With just a little knowledge then everyone will be in a better position to alter these canned websites to make them truly original to yourself. As in everything knowledge is power and the key to everyones success. Love and Peace John Elliott aka Oaky Wood and Luella May
Luella May

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Re: How To Create True and Perceived Value
5/26/2006 11:46:56 AM
Hello JR, This is Luella. No matter what you do, be you. Nothing is impossible. As I stated in my post to Max, you must believe in the product and then your approach is all important. When you have a customer or a downline, always stay in touch and always be there for them. Make sure they can count on you for a helping hand. Also, know when to cut your losses. An unproductive individual is nothing but dead weight. Kindest regards, Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood
Tanya V.

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Re: How To Create True and Perceived Value
5/26/2006 11:55:38 AM
Hi John, I enjoyed reading this forum. The 'soft sell' approach is what works for me, so I have tried that on my website and in my periodic newsletter. I know I have room for improvement, and I look forward to the pearls of wisdom in this community. Thanks for sharing this information. Have a wonderful weekend! :) ********************************* Come see me at Frappr -
Luella May

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Re: How To Create True and Perceived Value
5/26/2006 12:01:41 PM
Hello Lisa! Luella here. Honesty, doing what's right and courtesy, is still the best policy although many have forgotten these ways. However, keep in mind ..... Many times while standing for the truth, you will find yourself alone and out on a limb. Never let this sway you. Always stand your ground. In the end you will come out as a rose. Love to you, Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood
Luella May

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Re: How To Create True and Perceived Value
5/26/2006 12:05:57 PM
Hi Lisa, Being courteous and honest, should be a pre-reqisite for any businessman/woman whether online or not. After all it costs nothing to be polite, and shows your true professionalism in whatever you do, and whatever you say. Being honest within yourself and the way you portray your business structure, is so re-assuring to any prospective customer or friend. After all would you really buy from the used car salesman type of hype merchant, who is only interested in how much he can extract from your wallet or purse. Thank you so much for supporting this forum by posting. Love and Peace John Elliott aka Oaky Wood and Luella May

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