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Thomas Richmond

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Re: To Your Success Thomas
9/11/2007 11:00:14 PM

When your really Hungry start with a big glass of water and what better way for a healthy start that x2o water suppliments!Most bottled waters have far less than 300 TDS, and some even advertise that their water is demineralized. Brands that have adequate total dissolved solids include Evian, Vittel, Volvic, Fiji and Trinity. Look for the TDS on the label. If the water is too soft, add a pinch of organic Celtic Sea Salt (the gray, moist stuff that sticks to the sides of the container - absolutely do NOT use white, refined table salt as it is terrible for you) or a pinch of Pascalite clay to each liter of water you drink. This will not change the taste, but will increase the hardness and the total dissolved solids adequately, and will for most of you reduce the need to use the bathroom as you will actually be absorbing the water into your cells. Water that is hard enough is an excellent source of minerals that is in a form that is readily usable by our bodies. Xooma helps revializes those energys.

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