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Dave Cottrell

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Re: I Got Mooned on Mainstreet!
5/22/2006 9:47:07 PM
Hi Anthony, Ah... the good old days... These days, I think perhaps there's a little much fear involved in parents who would rather keep their kids indoors then take the chance that some pervert will grab them. The fact is, kids need to be taught how to survive in the world they have, and enjoy it, just like we did when we were kids. If we taught them how to stand on their own two feet, rather than ignoring them and plunking them in front of TVs and gameboys, perhaps they'd actually have a great life. God bless, Dave
Dave Cottrell

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Re: I Got Mooned on Mainstreet!
5/22/2006 10:09:09 PM
Hi Gary, I don't hate any music! lol! Say, are we becoming what they call, "Old Fogeys?" ======================================================= Entertain me. Success me over! Make me a star! Make me famous! I want it all. I want it now. And I want it three bags full! ========================================================= Sounds like most of the people on the internet today... I'm glad you brought up discipline. It's getting so ridiculous in our modern world - I'm surprised most people even come into your classes nowadays, when they can probably BUY some kind of cerfificate saying they have their black belt for $19.95 at one of these online "certification" companies. Perhaps they should be sent down a dark alley where they can use their certificate to beat off the muggers... Discipline surely is lacking in many areas these days. I've been called "lucky" for being able to play the piano and organ. Yeah... right... hours and hours of practice lucky over many years. Or lucky for being able to write and pump out article after article on virtually any subject... Yeah... right... hours and hours and years and years of research, reading and writing lucky! Or lucky when I had a nice boat... I'm sure you, too, are called "lucky" for having reached such a high rank in karate. It's funny that they don't want to share in the kind of "luck" it took to get where you are now. Anyway... before I get carried away... ========================================================= The current mantra is: "Do as little as you can for as much as you can. Complain, whinge, berate the boss, envy his or her success and blame everybody but yourself if you stuff up." ============================================================ Yes, a generation of pleasure-seeking, workless whiners has arisen (hedonists). OK - it was just getting good! lol! Let's have the launch of your warhead! God bless, Dave
Gary Simpson

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Re: I Got Mooned on Mainstreet!
5/22/2006 11:06:38 PM
Hi Dave, Seems like we are becoming intercontinental penpals - LOL! That reminds me... the ICBM (really, I'm just being colourful for your forumites!)... For a long time I have been observing the 1%ers in society who have discipline versus the 99% "pool." And I have come up with a theory which I call... the HEDONIST PRINCIPLE: "A disciplined person has a body that is directed by a brain. An undisciplined person has a brain that is directed by a body." Now, think about that. The hedonist (pleasure seeker) will NEVER do anything that causes effort, work, thinking for themselves, perspiration, dedication, "the long haul" etc. That is because their body demands that the brain must stop the activity SOON. On the other hand the disciplinarian will extend and push and exert themselves, often to the point of exhaustion (physical, mental or both) to achieve a worthwhile goal. I see this principle in action every day. It is so (painfully) evident to me in my karate classes that I can almost tell after the very first lesson who has what it takes. Often I feel like taking somebody aside and saying: "Look, I recommend that you quit right now - after this very first lesson. You will be wasting your time but, more importantly, you will be depriving another student of my time with them." I don't say that, of course. I believe in giving everybody an opportunity. But... the writing is on the wall from day 1. They never prove me wrong - unfortunately. Sometimes it takes a few weeks or months but it's always the same. My words will probably cause some controversy. Yes, I'm prepared for all sorts of criticism for saying this. I'm just waiting for my website blog to be installed and I'm gonna fire this topic off as a first salvo. You guys just got a little preview. Tough love. Gary
Re: I Got Mooned on Mainstreet!
5/23/2006 10:16:29 AM
Hi I'm a little late here but I wanted to comment on the topic Dave. When I was young there was no time to get bored. We worked more than play! Besides having their daily chores, my children came once and only once to tell me they were bored. I fixed that in a hurry and put them to work... they never came back and complained about being bored. They found things to entertain themselves! Today I repeately hear it all the time with the young generation and it's very sad as I see many parents not doing anything about their complaints. I see many young people getting into mischief because their bored and don't know how to entertain themselves. It makes me wonder about our next generation! Thanks for the invite and have a great day. Warm Regards Speak out & pass it on! Broadcast Decency United Voice Against CHILD ABUSE
Re: I Got Mooned on Mainstreet!
5/23/2006 10:27:31 PM
Hi: =============== The elite have ensured there will be few challenges to their position for the foreseeable future. And we let them do it! We must have blinked. =============== I respectfully disagree. With all my heart soul, I disagree. The "elite" have not ensured that there will be few challenges to their position. The lazy and slothful do that all by themselves through their lack of competitive spirit and their lazy nature. Most people will do anything to avoid thinking too hard or working too hard. When I was in school, I was an honor student. Not because I "ensured" that others would be less, but because I had the moxy to dare be more. When they watched tv, I worked. When they drank and partied, I worked. When the losers ridiculed me, I held my head high and stood my ground. When I was 19 years old, I was the youngest manager in Canada's Largest Retail chain. Not because I 'ensured' there would be no challenges -- but because I strived for more. When I put my business online, in less than 5 years, I was featured in the New York Times. Not because I inhibited challenges but because so few make the effort to be one. If you truly think the "elite" prevent others from rising, you are wrong. Dead wrong. I raised my daughter on the words "Show me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who YOU are." If you sat at the table with Bill Gates or Warren Buffet or Oprah Winfrey, you would not hear them saying that the elite have ensured that no one will challenge their position. They were not born with a silver spoon. They earned what they have. My father raised me on the words; "Lead, follow, or get the h*ll out of the way." Most people are quite happy to follow or get out of the way. They don't want to lead. It's too much work. It's too much thinking. No one has to ensure that these people are no challenge to anything. They do that all by themselves. Respectfully... Linda