Hi Gary,
No offense taken.
However, you should realize that here in Canada, what you are publicly stating is now illegal.
Gay marriage IS legal, the Gay Pride parade is now one of the biggest events of the year in major Canadian cities, and just like in Australia, the lifestyle is heavily promoted to kids.
I personally find it very offensive that this "alternate" lifestyle is now being taught as a normal, mainstream lifestyle to kids as young as kindergarten age. Sex education is NOT taught to kids until much later, yet it's perfectly fine to teach them this. Hmmmm.
Also, in Canada, the age of consent is 14, girls can get an abortion without their parents' consent or knowledge as young as 14, yet a 14 year old cannot be charged as an adult for a crime, as they are considered too young to be held responsible!
Where are we headed? Will older adults eventually be able to marry young children?
The question comes down to this: who decides what is moral, good and proper?
In a society that has largely accepted evolution starting from a big accident many billions of years ago with no cause but many fortuitous accidents along the way to keep it going, how is morality and truth decided? Where is the yardstick to measure how far we go in any direction?
If we are here by accident, then it is up to the majority to determine what is true and what is moral. If society has determined that what was immoral yesterday is now wholesome and good today, if there is no eternal truth and morality, then who can deny what the majority has determined?
One of the lines that we hear today is that "what was true yesterday is not necessarily true today." It is a widely accepted statement that implies that there really IS no truth, just what we, as a society, choose to believe today.
The hopeless foolishness of that idea is in the very fact that it's a hopeless paradox. It is, by the very nature of the statement, completely false.
If there is truth, there must be a source; if there's a source, it must be absolute and eternal; if it's absolute and eternal, we better pay attention and start living according to that truth, or our society is going to fall.
God bless,