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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Ladies, Men Are Right When It Comes To ...
5/22/2006 7:31:36 PM
Hello Kenneth, Thank you for the invitation to your forum and information of these spiders. Very nasty infection from the bite, poor guy! Kind regards Amanda Martin-Shaver
Rose Enderud

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Re: Ladies, Men Are Right When It Comes To ...
5/22/2006 11:33:18 PM
Hello Ken, I have never seen one here. I have read articles and know they are present in our area, Northern California. Rose
Re: Ladies, Men Are Right When It Comes To ...
10/2/2006 7:11:41 PM


I live in Mississippi and I can assure everyone that this is no hoax. These spiders are very common here and very dangerous. My ex-husband was bitten by one of them and it took him almost 5 years to totally heal with permanent scarring.

I thought it odd that I found this post now as I just found out today that my neice was bitten by one and just received medical care yesterday for it. The doctor had to lance the bite and drain the infection and if she is not much better by tomorrow they will put her in the hospita for surgery and start antibiotics in IV. She is already taking oral antibiotics now but we will have to see how things go by tomorrow.

Thanks, Ken, for posting this. I had no idea that so many were unaware of this spider and its affects. Please, everyone, never think for one second that this is a hoax or that it is exaggerated at all! These things can jum about 2 feet as well so you don't want to try to step on them to kill them. It is best to use a fly swatter or something with length to keep far away in case they jump because they WILL jump up your pants leg! Been there and done that!

Please keep my neice in your prayers. Her name is Wendy Noah.


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