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More on Securing your Home when on Vacation
5/18/2006 4:36:05 PM
Hello everyone, to follow on from my last tips about securing your house while you are away on vacation, I have had questions about apartments as well, so here is some more tips I hope you find useful. Pretty much along the same lines, but more pertaining to leased property's. Apartment Security when your Away. 1. One of the times your Home/Appartment is most vulnerable is when it is left empty for an extended period of time. Darkend windows, unretrived mail or newspapers and closed windows in hotter weather all advertise your absence to a potential burglar. 2. The best protection for your apartment during your absence is to have a house sitter. A family member or friend you trust staying at your home can take care of your pets and/or plants in addition to making sure the house is inhabited. 3, Have a neighbour check on your apartment while you are away- turning on lights, radios or TVs and opening and closing curtains, will give your apartment the apperance of someone home. 4, If you don't have a friend or neighbour to house sit or check your apartment while your away-- perhaps even if you do-- you should keep not only lights but also a TV, radio or PC on a timer. If your like me and have your computer, TV, etc on almost all the time your home (NOTE I don't watch TV, Pam does), the absence of the sound and the bluish light in the windows announces more than anything that you're not there. 5, Make sure whoever is checking your apartment while your away knows how to work your alarm system and who to call in case of a problem. 6, Unless you have a house sitter, stop your mail and any newspapers or other delivery's. It is a simple matter to do this & all it takes is a phone-call, giving dates from when to stop, to when to start (we have just done this and know how easy it is). Nothing advertises an empty house/apartment better than a stack of newspapers & an overflowing mailbox (I know it's different in UK where you have letter box's, but deliverys & milk is still forgotten to be cancelled) Ask a neighbour to pick up any packages you know will be delivered while your gone. 7, If you have a garden, or plants on your balcony, make sure someone is watering them regulary, or put them where they cannot be seen. Plants slowly dying due to lack of watering is another good sign to would be burglars. 8, Check your lease. Many landlords require that you notify them if your apartment is going to be left empty for any period of time (this is so they can enter in case of emergency, even if they cannot reach you) If you have a house sitter, this is not normally necessary, but check your lease to make sure, or inform your landlord in case they think you are double letting. For our American members that may be interested in Security systems, alarms, CCTV, security safes & locks etc. We have a large product range plus many other types of systems at our Personal & Home Security Store.

Pam & Tony's Security Store Your Security Friend in Las Vegas. (Soon to be in Oregon)
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Re: More on Securing your Home when on Vacation
5/18/2006 4:48:48 PM
Hi Anthony, I am going to send that to my daughter. She just moved to Las Vegas, and has her own apartment. Thank you, Anthony. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Re: More on Securing your Home when on Vacation
5/18/2006 4:57:10 PM
Hi Deborah. Thats a great idea, in fact send her our website address too, she may want some of our personal protection products, now she is living here. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas. (Soon to be in Oregon)
Re: More on Securing your Home when on Vacation
5/18/2006 4:57:42 PM
Hi Thanks for the safety tips Anthony and the invite! Warm Regards Speak out & pass it on! Broadcast Decency United Voice Against CHILD ABUSE
Re: More on Securing your Home when on Vacation
5/18/2006 5:01:14 PM
Hello Florence. If you get some good ideas from my safety tips, then I'm happy that you find them useful, & I feel that I'm not wasting my time. Thanks for posting. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas. (Soon to be in Oregon)