Hi Art,
Yes, Von Daniken is light years ahead of Brown as a writer (excuse the unintended pun!)
You have hit on one of my pet peeves, the Western education system.
Our governments are ALL creating brainwashed robots via our school systems who are taught what to believe, but never taught to think for themselves. Oh no! If they learned to think for themselves, they might actually get ideas that would make future ultra liberal governments uncomfortable!
I am SO thankful my dear wife convinced me to home-school our children. They not only know how to read, write and cipher well, but they also know how to think for themselves and are always a pleasure to converse with. They have their OWN opinions about things, and will never accuse their parents or anyone else of cramming something down their throats, because they have been taught to question everything, one of the KEY principles of free thought.
Our children also dance (ballet, tap, jazz, highland), sing (our oldest boy is an award winning singer), and act. They have been on stage their whole lives, love it, and are comfortable in front of large audiences. Imagine what this kind of education will do for them!
The modern Western school system, combined with the mindless drivel on TV (yes, Gary, we have "reality TV" here too) serves to put countless young (and older) minds to sleep permanently, while leaving people convinced that they know all the secrets of life and that anyone who disagrees with them is simply uneducated!
Competition is another disappearing idea in the Western world, even though it's one of the key things that has made us so successful. In our modern schools, competition has given way to "self-esteem." Self esteem is one of the most ridiculous concepts I can even begin to imagine!
Self confidence is good. It means that you have a good reason to believe in your abilities and are comfortable with yourself. It comes from learning, striving, competing, and successfully achieving various levels of success and completion as you go through life. Self confidence comes when people other than yourself approve of your performance in life.
Self esteem, on the other hand, as taught in modern schools, means that you personally esteem yourself highly whether others approve of your performance or not.
What this is now doing is creating a whole generation of young people who think they're great, can barely read or write, can't think for themselves, and have no work ethics. Basically, it means our schools are producing a very large group of unemployable youth, because when many of them finally reach the age where they actually have to perform well, like it or not, in order to get paid, no smart business person will be willing to pay them.
In the mean time, our society as a whole is sticking its head in the sand, believing whatever it wants to, including drivel like the Da Vinci Code, and sits around talking about the boneheads they watched on TV last night, rather than something truly useful and interesting.
It's no wonder we're in trouble.
God bless,