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Re: Warning!! Forum Hijackers advertising at your forums!!
5/15/2006 12:55:41 PM
Hi Anthony, Firstly congratulation on being selected for the POTW. Thank for the warning, are you sure these two individual are not secret admirer of (smile) have a great week! Sunny regards, Marjorie
Sunny regards, Marjorie
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Warning!! Forum Hijackers advertising at your forums!!
5/15/2006 2:34:01 PM
Hi Anthony, Thank you for the invitation to your forum. Congratulations for POTW. You have brought up a very good topic as this has probably happened at one stage to everyone that has written a forum. Our last forum James and I spent some time writing we had two blatant Advertisement messages posted (by two seperate friends in our friendship list) One of the people does this hijacking of forums lots of times to ourselves and others and has been a Adland Member for some time so should know better.. The other post was from a new member to us - so that person may not realise yet, that they hijacked. James and I prefer to have an open Forum to receive feedback even negativity as it gives us better ideas on how people are thinking, etc. It is hard to know what to do when someone changes the subject to something completely different. The only other option is to moderate which we prefer not to do at this stage, but if these hijackings keep up we will probably have to do this. I would like to address the other hijackers you mention and we have had several people write us (message) their promotions that are not in our list, they have not made a profile and just blantantly spamming us. We have had a couple of them spamming the Nigerian 'sob' letter. So beware!! I have no problem whatsoever to block them. I would like to see a better format on ettiquete when new members join Adland Pro to try and overcome these problems. Kind regards Amanda Martin-Shaver
Re: Warning!! Forum Hijackers advertising at your forums!!
5/15/2006 6:19:40 PM
Thanks for the Heads up! Always good to have a friend to keep us up to date.. Rebecca
Rebecca Pauli
Re: Warning!! Forum Hijackers advertising at your forums!!
5/15/2006 6:51:38 PM
Hi Lisa. I completely agree with you, we all would accept new friends & help them if they did not have any friends, but to start new posts on other members forums solely to advertise their businesses or 'opportunity's' because the members whose forums they post at have large friend bases, or popular forums is just plain rude. Thanks for the nice comment. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas. (Soon to be in Oregon)
Re: Warning!! Forum Hijackers advertising at your forums!!
5/15/2006 6:54:14 PM
Hi Chuck, Just over the North California/Oregon border in the Southern Oregon Banan belt. Apparently, 90% of all the American Lilys are grown there. It's really nice & the few final stands of Giant Redwoods in Oregon are there also. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas. (Soon to be in Oregon)