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Doug Woodall

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10 eCard Sites To Stay Away From This Mother’s Day
5/14/2006 12:03:09 AM
Here are ten e-card sites to stay away from this Mother’s Day (and any other day, for that matter). Links go to respective SiteAdvisor site details pages. When we signed up here, our inbox filled up with subject lines touting offers from major national advertisers like JC Penney, Tiffany, and Overstock. Get the joke? Fun… e-cards… funny e-cards. SiteAdvisor hates to be a killjoy, but there was nothing fun about the 29 spammy e-mails per week we received after we signed up. Unless your mother needs a tax refund, auto loan or credit card, go elsewhere for your e-card. Those offers were among the 36 e-mails we got each week after signing up here. ecards_2.png After we signed up here, we received 50 e-mails per week. One promised to tell us “How to Have a Happy Life.” Our best suggestion: Avoid Web sites like this. Funnyreign reigns as one of the highest volume, non-adult Web sites in SiteAdvisor’s vast database. Our e-mail sign-up received an incredible 1,075 messages per week, on average. This aggregator of light-hearted material (jokes, quotes, poems, etc.) used an Active X prompt to install Roings adware, IMIServer and TargetSaver during one of our test visits. (links go to respective McAfee Web threat definition pages) Searching for a celebrity-themed e-card for Mother’s Day might bring you to, but how long you stay depends on where you click. Affiliation analysis of this site shows that users are re-directed to other red rated sites, often without their knowledge. ecards_3.png This site provides greeting cards, as well as celebrity photos and a joke directory. It also attempted to install malicious software on our machine without our consent. More Active X badness here. Similar to our visit to, ecard4all left our test machine with Roings and IMIserver. This heavily trafficked e-card site requires users to download a “free” toolbar in order to access 1,000 e-cards. The toolbar includes unrelated items like Smiley Central, Cursor Mania, Popular Screensavers, the MyWebSearch search box and Search Assistant. There are easier ways to make Mom happy.
Doug Woodall SpywareBiz,,,We take the Spy out of Spyware! Providing Free Information and Recommended Products to Combat Spyware.

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