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Re: Gaaah -- so I'm in 2nd place and didn't know I was nominated. lol
5/13/2006 4:59:54 AM
Good morning; =============== Good grief, Linda, what are you doing up so late! =============== Wonky schedule. I fell asleep too early. So.... yeah. Sleep eludes me now. LOL. Now I'll be a day or two getting back onto my regular weird schedule. =============== BTW, your PS made me gnash my teeth. After pushing you to get the last one out, my timing stinks and I've got so much of importance to do that I just shut down and didn't do any of it today. No work on the real estate agency, no work on the website, no promotion, no foreclosure research, no reading my homework. Did manage to finish my last two-part article and that's it. Didn't even post it on my blog. Arrggghhh! You put me to shame. =============== Nah... I don't put you to shame. And no teeth gnashing needed. I have shut down days, too. We all just have them in our own time. When I'm in shut down, you'll be humming along making ME look bad. lol. : ) Linda
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Re: Gaaah -- so I'm in 2nd place and didn't know I was nominated. lol
5/13/2006 3:58:01 PM
Good Luck Linda, I wish you well with your book you are working on. Happy Mothers Day to you!!
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Re: Gaaah -- so I'm in 2nd place and didn't know I was nominated. lol
5/13/2006 6:37:29 PM
Well, well, well, Here is the current vote: Georgios Paraskevopoulos (72) 32% Myrna Ferguson (3) 1% Shannon Bolin (37) 16% Linda Caroll (98) 43% Harold Coram (7) 3% Anthony Vieira Da Cruz (1) 0% Jeannie George (4) 2% Leon Horton (2) 1% Nan Herring (2) 1% Manuel Davis (0) I wonder how long it will stay open THIS time? Hey Cheri! I did join your site membership. How long before my bank account is brimming with $$$? Naturally, like the average networker I don't want to do anything to help myself - LOL!!!!! Oh by the way... Forumites... ...before I forget, a very large MLM company based in Australia, which has tentacles in many other countries including the US, has bitten the dust over here. Chalk up another statistic to the failed MLM list. And the reasons are all the same as the ones that I outlined in our rather interesting MLM forum a while back. Yep - the Omegatrend MLM Network headed up by Amway breakaway Loren Watts is now in receivership with massive outstanding debts that it cannot pay. I might just mosey on over to that MLM forum a little later on and make a new entry. Happy Mother's Day to all you mums out there! Gary
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Re: Gaaah -- so I'm in 2nd place and didn't know I was nominated. lol
5/13/2006 9:16:10 PM
Gary, Did you read the fine print on my site? lol. All your membership gets you is a newsletter, if I ever figure out how to put one out. Maybe a free ebook. I think I owe you. What I can do for you is teach you how to hang onto the money you have, but I think in your case I'd be preaching to the choir. For people in the US (and I understand Canada soon) I have some nifty tools to help with that. How long before your bank account is brimming with $$$$? As soon as you make it happen, lol. Cheri
Flag of Gary Simpson

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Re: Gaaah -- so I'm in 2nd place and didn't know I was nominated. lol
5/13/2006 10:37:27 PM
Cheri! Not another case of the big print giveth and the small print taketh away! LOL! Actually, I was wondering about that. I signed up a while ago and I have been patiently waiting for something from you. Seriously, even "choir boys" can learn something. I guess that is why I continue to buy books on investment etc - even though I already have 100's & 100's of them. I may be thrifty or frugal or a downright tightarse in some (er, make that "many") areas of my life but one thing I am very free spending with is education. I literally have 1000's of books, tapes, videos and magazines on all sorts of subjects - enough to open a second hand bookstore with - LOL! I feel a bit of a rant coming on... The crazy thing I see with so many people is that they smoke dozens of cigarettes and they drink gallons of alcohol and they consume ridiculous quantities of stupid drugs and they are making massive repayments on what I call "flash" cars to impress other people but they won't spend $30 on a book that will help them to become successful. They want everything yesterday with absolutely minimal effort but they fail to realise that the universe does not work that way. I'd better calm down before this turns into one of my tirades. Happy Mother's Day Cheri. Gary

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