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Re: Healed from Cancer!!!!
5/10/2006 7:13:45 AM
We don't need no stinking witch doctors. Eat a balanced diet Excercise get some sunlight your body will heal, and you will live. Peace, Love, Liberty Kris

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Re: Healed from Cancer!!!!
5/10/2006 10:13:46 AM
The following is a testimonial from a Cancer susvivor after using Waiora's Natural Cellular Defence; the only patented natural detoxification product in the world. My name is Carol, I was diagnosed with lung cancer in July of 2004. I decided a long time ago that if I ever got cancer that I would not allow them to do radiation or Chemotherapy. So the only option that I had was surgery or natural health. I opted for natural health. I took a product that seemed to be keeping the cancer the same size but was not shrinking it. Needless to say my family, after a year of this was getting quite nervous. And they were all quite insistent that I allow them to do the surgery. It was the side effects of the surgery that I was not so sure of. I was in the hospital for nine days, was sent home with shingles on the right side as well as the neuropathy. I am left with severe neuropathy in my right arm and right chest area. I had let a friend of mine know that if they found anything that was natural to let me know, as the Doctors were very insistent that I was going to have to have radiation and chemotherapy. Both of which I had vowed not to do. Several months went by I was going to the Doctor and having all the tests that they seemed to need to know where they were going to do these treatments. A dear friend of mine introduced me to Zeolite. It was just about the time that a hurricane came through the area that I live in. The Hospital canceled all appointments and I left town. I took the Zeolite as soon as I got it, which was just before I left. I took 15 drops four times a day for three weeks. I had some major detoxification symptoms, which included flue like symptoms. I ran a fever and was quite ill for a couple of weeks. But I had a goal and my feeling was that the discomfort was well worth the end results. When I went back to the Doctor, he did not say a word about the treatments that he had insisted that I take before. I asked him why and he told me that they could find no sign of Cancer. I told him what I had taken and then he said that he wanted a P.E.T. scan. This particular scan will find Cancer if there is any at all. It is a scan that they do of my entire body. I told him that I would do that but that he would not find Cancer. My Doctors knew that I wanted to find a natural way of taking care of the Cancer problem, but had been skeptical to say it nicely. When I went back for the results of that test there was no sign of Cancer. I have scans and x-rays every three months so that the doctors feel better about the fact that I no longer have cancer. I found out after the surgery that I still had cancer in my chest wall and that is why they were so insistent about my doing the chemotherapy and radiation. It has been a year since my surgery and two years since the diagnosis and I am Cancer free. The only thing I did was take Zeolite. God Bless You All And to my friends thank you from the bottom of my heart! Carol Topham, TX for more information, go to: and Yours in Vibrant Health & Prosperity, Dave
Re: Healed from Cancer!!!!
5/10/2006 8:06:26 PM
God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He healed in Old Testament Days and He'll do the same today. We need doctors because not everyone has faith. I'm a cancer survivor of almost 15 years and I never had chemo nor radiation. I had cervical cancer and I did have surgery. There was a reason why I had to have the surgery. I had to be a witness to a young surgical team. The cancer was more invasive than what was originally thought. They wanted to me to have radiation, but I said told them I didn't need it. God had already told me it wasn't necessary. When my oncologist and his surgical team came back, he said they had decided that it wasn't necessary. He asked me who was my crystal ball and I said my Heavenly Father. His reply was I can't argue with that. This young surgical team had to know that they don't hold life and death in their hands. Besides exercising, eating right we need to get the toxins out of our homes as well. If anyone would like to make a donation to the American Cancer Society Relay For Life go to this site click on team Helping Hands and my name. Relay team across the Us and in other countries raise billions of dollars every year and a big portion of it goes to research. You might have a Relay near you.

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