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Re: How many Christians are there???
5/10/2006 4:46:15 PM
Thanks Kathy I signed up for the newsletter
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Re: How many Christians are there???
5/10/2006 5:49:18 PM
Hiya kathy with a K. Well I am awake today and have looked at the site. Now? First thing that comes to mind is beware of false prophesies. I think that you invited me to this site and not that of God. I do belive in God that is a for sure and was brought up that way in my younger years and it stay'd the course thro my liofe so far. I have a problem with this being a God enacted thing?? I think that God does provide.But not thro internet marketing for money.I give to the Church when I go. I don't go to just one Church I go to several. I did go to one more than the others ,until the pastor grew to old to handle it any longer. It was Cow Boy Church. A real grass roots Church lots of singing.I am in Alberta Canada wouldn't you know it!!Farm raised too!! lol I know we all need to make a living and the internet seems a really good way to make money for the long hual, with out worries of being laid off ect. But for me to use God as a mode for making money??? Have agreat evening .Thats my two cents worth on this subject as I see it. Remember to keep your dreams out in front of you. Ron
Ron Orr
Re: How many Christians are there???
5/10/2006 8:38:24 PM
Hello Thanks for the invite Kathy, I found Tom site very nice & interesting... thanks for sharing! Warm Regards Speak out & pass it on! Broadcast Decency United Voice Against CHILD ABUSE
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Re: How many Christians are there???
5/11/2006 2:30:46 AM
Hi Kathy, Thank you for the invitation. As you and many other here on Adlandpro know, I have put all my faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, yes, I am a Christian, a follower of Christ. As such, I must warn my brothers and sisters in Christ NOT to be lured away from his love and power by worldly wealth. I noticed on the website that one of the 'plugs' for the site was for people who would like to be able to give, but can't afford to because all their money goes to pay the bills. This is a HUGE problem in the Christian community, today. In fact, it is so very sad to note that SO MANY people who profess to be Christian cannot come up with even $1 to help someone in need. As I have OFTEN seen, even in this community; when someone is in need, the common answer is, "Sorry, I am unable to help you financially, but I'll pray for you." Jesus warned us about telling a starving, sick, freezing person, "Be well," and then walking away without doing anything to help. Our God has told us that he will supply ALL our needs in Christ Jesus. WE are to walk by faith, not by sight. That means doing serious business with God in prayer about giving, then honestly giving from the heart as he leads us to give. NO Christian can honestly say that God does not want you to give anything! One thing that Christians really need to understand is that you CAN'T outgive God. If you make it your habit to give a set portion of your gross income to God every month with a trusting (not a greedy) heart, God WILL ensure that you have all you need. Guaranteed. He has promised to take care of all our needs, and he NEVER LIES! Our problem is we say we trust him but really don't. In my life, I can give solid evidence of the way God blesses when you trust him. At one point in my life, our family did not have enough income to pay the bills. Somehow, God stretched our income out to keep us going, but it was very difficult. At that time, we gave practically nothing, as we just couldn't afford to. Then, God laid it on my heart that he wanted me to show my trust and love for him by giving ten percent of my gross income every month. Note that it was NOT any pastor or teacher that convinced me of this; it was God working on my heart. We began to give ten percent of our income every month, and within less than six months, our income went from around $800 per month to over $4000 per month, and within just over a year, to more than $7000 per month. This was not in a new industry, but in the same industry I'd been in for many years. Our income now is considerably higher. This has not only made an amazing difference in the way we've been able to look after our family, but has also been a real blessing to our small church. Furthermore, it has often made it possible to help people outside our church who have needs as well. (Note also that it is not the percentage that matters - that's between a Christian and God.) This has all come, not from joining an organization who claims to have a special revelation from God to make Christians rich and a world power (totally unscriptural), but from reading and believing God's Word, and from trusting Him to lead us in the way we should go. Lastly, I am quite familiar with the owner's other businesses, and wish him all the best in this venture, if it truly is the way God is leading him. However, I don't think it is, as it does not line up with Biblical teaching. (I welcome anyone who can prove me wrong to do it.) Be careful! Any one of us (Christians) who lets our focus wander can be deceived. Jesus clearly said, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33 Read the WHOLE passage Matthew 6:18 - 34 What this is saying is that he doesn't want Christians to be concentrating on the things of this world (he will take care of them), but instead to be concentrating on seeking his kingdom, which means getting out the good news to those who AREN'T Christians, so they have the same opportunity as we do to trust Jesus and gain eternal life. There's nothing wrong with committed Christians having money and even wealth if God so chooses that that's what he wants in your life, but committing to wealth and prosperity is not what God wants us to do. Please think seriously about where your treasure is. God bless, Dave
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Re: How many Christians are there???
5/12/2006 3:03:50 PM
Thank you Dave, for your well thought out posting and for listing your experiences. I agree with you..... Please remember that all of us are growing, no one has reached the pinacle and we all make errors. (All have sinned...)and we all need grace. Thanks for giving it your thot. As for me, I am really enjoying the TGIF newsletter by OS Hillman... Here's today's: A Fleeting Shadow by Os Hillman, May 12, 2006 Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow. - Psalm 144:4 Every time I fly over a large body of water, I imagine opening the window of the jet and pouring out my coffee into the immense body of water below. I imagine the time that I spend on this earth compared to eternity is no more than that cup of coffee. The incredible size of the ocean compared to one small cup of coffee is what our life is like compared to eternity. Why then do we invest so much in temporal pursuits when we know that our investment here can have so much impact on our eternity? It is the great paradox of human behavior, especially for Christians. Does your business life have an overall ministry objective to it? This does not mean we must be constantly involved in "Christian activity." It only means that we should be about what God has called us to do with the motive of being obedient to this mission. Do not let the worries and cares of this life keep you from having an eternal impact on the lives of those you meet each day. Satan has a way of keeping our focus on the problems of today rather than the spiritual opportunities before us. He is master of the urgent, not the important. Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).
Alan Smith, Your Guide to Being On-Purpose --------------------------- probably the best Identity Theft resource on the internet. ---- View the Movie: View the Presentation!

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