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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Adlandpro Community Cookbook---CAMPING OUT
11/30/2006 8:13:59 PM


serve with baked acorn squash, parslied potatoes, tossed salad, apple pie or cobbler

4 large filets of lake trout

Salt, pepper

1/4 c. finely chopped onion

1 tsp. dried dill weed

1 c. melted butter or margarine

Juice of 1 lemon

Place 4 large fish filets in 2 lightly greased jelly roll pans

Sprinkle with salt, pepper, onion and dill wee.  Drizzle on 1/2 c. butter

Mix remiaining 1/2 c. butter with lemon juice

Preheat broiler.  Broil for 10 min. or until fish flakes easily.  Drizzle on lemon-butter mixture as the fish broils.

8 servings.

Re: Adlandpro Community Cookbook---CAMPING OUT
12/21/2006 11:12:16 AM

What  about us women camp cooks?  Take it from one who knows - REAL camp cooking begins with "first go find a dead tree..."

When we were first married, my husband and I lived in Oregon.  We became homeless due to the economic recession there when all the lumber mills were closing.

We called our honeymoon "River Tour 1995" because we camped out at several sites on every river and most of the creeks in Southern Oregon.

My favorite technique for any dish involves using a good cast iron skillet over glowing coals.  It becomes a "Dutch oven".  I've even cooked drop biscuits this way.  The idea is to have a pile of tiny dry sticks to adjust the heat with.

Midge Baker

Midge Baker Stufrsumpn Company Join the reviewers at Sime~Gen!
Re: Adlandpro Community Cookbook---CAMPING OUT
2/12/2007 3:22:43 AM

Oh how I miss going camping! I live in the city now and don't have a car so I'm waiting for someone to invite me to go camping. This really brings back memories!

Here's something I learned to cook that's easy and it might seem a little silly but it really works.

I've had to rough it a few times when my husband was alive and we didn't always have everything we needed to get by. So we saved a lot of electricity by cooking out on a fire built bricks with the oven rack on top. We didn't even have a real grill..but this worked just as well.

Take a whole chicken, rinsed and seasoned with salt and pepper.

Then take a 12 ounce can of beer and stick it up the there a delicate way to say this? LOL BUTT.

Keep the fire low so it doesn't cook too fast and put a cover over the grill.

I used a large stew pot over mine.

YOu may have to keep a spray bottle full of water just in case it flames too high. But let it cook until the beer can is empty. It only takes about thirty minutes.

Meanwhile, as your chicken cooks on the top of the fire have some nice corn on the cobb, potatoes and whole cabbage covered with butter and wrapped in foil cooking directly in the coals. It all gets done at the same time.


DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Adlandpro Community Cookbook---CAMPING OUT
7/4/2007 11:24:20 AM
ORANGE MUFFINS Cut one end of an orange---removing about 1/4 inch. Hollow out the middle, removing the fiber and orange sections. Place orange on foil wrap, fill with muffin mix, put the top back on, and close the foil. If you didn't eat the orange innerds, you can add some of that to the muffin. Lay in hot coils and wait, wait, and wait. Eat with a spoon scooping out the baked muffin. We make these muffins at Camp Friedenswald, Michigan for Nature Camp.