Thank you Kathy! Thank you for the kudos.
I have dreamed of reaching that goal since I was twelve years old.
I am particularly proud of myself, because I am self-educated. I never went to college to learn to write. In fact, most of my education, in writng, has come from my faithful reading of Writer's Digest.
It just goes to show... If you want something bad enough, and are willing to tow the line, you can achieve anything.
Now I am working on building my network marketing business to its fullest.
My biggest piece of advice to others is:
Find a business that you are passionate about. A business that you believe in, heart and soul, will be much easier to build than something that just looks good.
The network marketing business that I currently promote is FreeLife International, Himalayan Goji Juice. I chose this business for the following reasons:
1. I believe in promoting health and wellness.
2. The product is everything it claims to be.
3. I use it every day, and have experienced its benefits first hand. (I have more energy, I sleep better, I've lost weight, and my hot flashes have gone away.)
4. I totally believe that everyone would benefit from it.
5. My kids love it.
6. My mother's diabetes has been controlled through the use of it.
I truly want everyone I know to experience the wonders of this product. It is amazing.
Many people here know that I promote Melaleuca as well. I promote Melaleuca as a product line, more so than a business opportunity.
The products are second to none, but the business is not my primary goal in promotion any more. When it come to Melaleuca, I want to make everyone customers, not business partners.
With FreeLife International, I want customers and business partners. FLI has a compensation plan that helps people make more money faster than anything else I've seen.
The bottom line is, I believe in the products of both companies. I promote them because they do improve the quality of life for those who use them.
It is my belief in the products and my passion for helping others live healthier lifestyles that has made me successful with them.
Find your passion and run with it!
Have an awesome day!