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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Good Deeds
5/6/2006 3:31:57 PM
Hello my friends, Lets share with one another our good Deeds, tell us your everyday actions that lead us to inspire someone or who inspires us. Please lets share,kathy
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Flag of Cheri Merz

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Re: Good Deeds
5/6/2006 4:38:57 PM
Kathy, maybe people would rather share the good deeds that they have noticed other people doing? I'll start. On at least two occasions, my Adland friend Gary Simpson was sensitive enough to deduce from my posts that I was having a difficult time with something, even though I didn't make direct reference to my struggle the first time. Both times, he offered help by email, and on the first occasion made me a gift of one of his ebooks that was related to my issue. As tough as he would like to seem, I know him for a big-hearted guy, who will probably be annoyed with me for mentioning his good deed if he sees this. I personally know of one member who helped another financially (I was told by the person he helped), though the story isn't mine to tell and I promised confidentiality. We are a real community with real friendships. I'm proud to live here. Cheri
Flag of Kathy Kanouse

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Re: Good Deeds
5/6/2006 8:26:59 PM
Kathy you are always doing good deeds for all your friends here at Adland. Lisa Lee has helped me in moving around when I first started. Angela C.helped me with tweaking my web site a few months ago. Alot of you here have been teaching us alot of different network marketing tips. Leanne too her forums are very informative & teachh us as well. Linda Carrol is another great teacher we have here at Adland. And the list goes on & on & on. THANK YOU TOO ALL OF YOU WHOM ARE ALWAYS THERE FOR YOUR FRIENDS. I wish each of you well with your endeavors.
Flag of Deborah Skovron

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Re: Good Deeds
5/6/2006 11:34:00 PM
Hi Kathy, As far as I am concerned Linda Caroll wears the crown for good deeds. She has been my mentor the whole time I have been in Adland, and she is always willing to help others learn. Lisa W. also is always one of the first to offer support. Marilyn Ali, you can't get any better than this lady. She is always right there with support for all her friends. This is one great community, with wonderful people. I am proud to be a part of all this. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Flag of Jeffrey Obrien

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Re: Good Deeds
5/7/2006 9:45:53 PM
Hello Kathy, I am great with doing things for my friends.I also wake up each day smile at myself in mirror thank God for everything that's Beautiful in the world. I then go feed about ten or so alley cats all ferral living in bushland behind my block.I am trying to lessen the amount of wildlife they kill each day for surival. If I can save just one cats life and stop it from attacking our beautiful birds and protected wildlife Australia is blessed with,then my daily attempt to save them one by one a day at a time. Kathy and reader's it's working slowly but surely. Have an awesome day Kathy and everyone. regards jeffrey OBrien

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