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Flag of Cheri Merz

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Re: That is not how I want to live my life...
7/27/2006 2:18:45 AM

Me too!  My eyes are old and they never worked all that well in the first place.  And my new glasses...well, you don't want to hear that story.  I think the word Gary uses for how I feel about those right now is FERAL!

Kim, your thoughts are much too valuable to let pass without reading, and I'm SO happy that you are putting paragraphs in now.  If the type were a little larger, it would be so much easier for me to read.  Thank you!



Flag of Gary Simpson

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Re: That is not how I want to live my life...
7/27/2006 5:56:59 AM

Hi Cheri,

You and me and a few others sing from the same hymn book, I think.

I don't like being feral but... sometimes you just need to make a point.


Flag of Kim Stilwell

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Re: That is not how I want to live my life...
7/27/2006 8:30:47 AM

I dont get it....on my screen my type looks about the same size as yours.  This type here looks larger than the last post...Cheri' I wrong?  I'm looking at looks larger....I don't get it.

Re: That is not how I want to live my life...
7/27/2006 8:49:40 AM


I dont get it....on my screen my type looks about the same size as yours. This type here looks larger than the last post...Cheri' I wrong? I'm looking at looks larger....I don't get it.

Oh, the joy of computers. Everyone, do this, okay?

If you're using Internet Explorer, click View --> Text size and see what your computer text size is set at.

If you're using Firefox and you see text as small or large, click View --> Text size and make it "normal."

Here's what's happening. The new WYSIWYG editor allows us to set a font size. But, whether we set a font size or not, our personal computer settings can also factor in. Any posters that don't use the WYSIWYG or don't set a font will revert to the default font for the site. However, your computer settings will affect how you see the default font because the settings here are in variable font settings not fixed font sizes.

If all that sounds like a lot of Greek (ie; makes no sense to you) -- check the setting at View --> Text size in your browser. Turning the size up or down should solve the problem.

Flag of Cheri Merz

Flag of 1258 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: That is not how I want to live my life...
7/27/2006 2:53:29 PM

Oh thank you!!!  I did that, even though the what's happening paragraph left me in the dust.  Now I can see Kim's messages in the same text size as everyone else's.  Maybe I didn't need new glasses after all?



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