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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: If you are neutral in situations of injustice...
5/4/2006 1:07:28 PM
Hi Bogdan, Another Great Quote! There are 3 types of people. By watching a video of the bombing of the Olynpics in Atlanta, you can see them in action. Immediately after the bomb went off you can see that one type just kind of stands there like a deer in your headlights. Another type of person immediately runs away from any danger. The last group (and sadly, the smallest group) immediately runs toward the danger to see if they can help. (Just as "A" types of people and they are born that way, I think we may be born into these 3 groups and we have no more choice in the matter than what color our eyes are or if we are hetrosexuals or not.) I would rather be hurt or killed rather than just stand there & watch someone (& animal) be kidnapped, raped, or beaten up by some bad guys. Waiting for help and/or for the authorities to show up may be too late. PS. Based on years of experience, I know I am one of those who runs toward danger.
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Tim Southernwood

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Re: If you are neutral in situations of injustice...
5/4/2006 1:16:29 PM
Thanks Bogdan, for bringing this to us. All too often we hear about people turning their eyes from a situation where they should jump in to protect the victim. Most recently here in Edmonton, we had a case where a 30 year old man confronted a group of 5 or 6 unruly youths on a transit bus. These youths turned on him as a group and beat him to death as the balance of the passengers (and the driver) who outnumbered the youths watched on in shock and horror. There were no weapons reported is sight. What stopped these people from assisting? This scene opens a pandora's box of societal issues, from what would drive a group of youths to such violent acts, to what would stop a larger group of people from intervening? Increasingly many of our young people are becoming involved in violent crimes. Is it any wonder since our young people have also been deluged with scenes of murder and mayhem from films and media? Dire predictions of the effects on our society were glossed over with inadequate movie rating systems, and news coverage hiding under the blanket of needing to report the news (but actually escalating the level of images of violence to drive their ratings) And perhaps the most pernicious of all, the plethora of video games of extreme violence becoming the most popular Christmas sales items. When does the term "freedom of speech" go too far? Have we also been "bystanders", too afraid or too busy to stand up for what's right, and against what's wrong? Have our permissive societies now gone too far to ever regain any control over what our children will see and what will inevitably shape their minds? I believe we ALL need to get involved and stand up for what's right before these kinds of incidents become commonplace, or we risk being as guilty of inaction as those people on the bus.
Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Neil Reinhardt

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Re: If you are neutral in situations of injustice...
5/4/2006 1:35:37 PM
Hi Tim, I agree the people should have done something to help that person. And if only one of them had yelled to stop the bad guys & taken action to do so, others may have done the same. As far as your assumptions about the people of today and blaming it on our movies and TV, you are incorrect. The facts are your chances of being killed by criminals during the Middle Ages were FIFTEEN TIMES HIGHER than they are today. And those chances were NINE TIME HIGHER when Queen Victoria was ruling England. One difference between those times and now is the youth of their day were not seeing people "acting" violent in movies and on TV, they were seeing REAL violence all of the time.
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Jill Bachman

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Re: If you are neutral in situations of injustice...
5/4/2006 3:18:09 PM
Very well said, and this serves as quite an eye opener for many! Thanks for a great quote as always :-) Your friend, Jill
Re: If you are neutral in situations of injustice...
5/4/2006 7:49:36 PM
Bogdan, How many times have you heard someone say "Well I am notconcerend about that because it isn't effecting me!" The next day or week it does effect them and they cry like a baby! The Journey Part 1
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